path: root/engines/sci/graphics
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Diffstat (limited to 'engines/sci/graphics')
2 files changed, 591 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/engines/sci/graphics/video32.cpp b/engines/sci/graphics/video32.cpp
index dc2641c92a..ac4522c1a0 100644
--- a/engines/sci/graphics/video32.cpp
+++ b/engines/sci/graphics/video32.cpp
@@ -29,11 +29,397 @@
#include "sci/graphics/palette32.h"
#include "sci/graphics/text32.h"
#include "sci/graphics/video32.h"
-#include "sci/sci.h"
+#include "audio/mixer.h" // for Audio::Mixer::kSFXSoundType
+#include "common/config-manager.h" // for ConfMan
+#include "common/textconsole.h" // for error, warning
+#include "common/system.h"
+#include "engine.h" // for Engine, g_engine
+#include "engines/util.h"
+#include "graphics/scaler/scalebit.h"
+#include "sci/console.h" // for Console
+#include "sci/engine/state.h" // for EngineState
+#include "sci/engine/vm_types.h" // for reg_t
+#include "sci/event.h" // for SciEvent, EventManager, SCI_...
+#include "sci/graphics/celobj32.h" // for CelInfo32
+#include "sci/graphics/cursor.h" // for GfxCursor
+#include "sci/graphics/helpers.h" // for Color, Palette
+#include "sci/graphics/palette32.h" // for GfxPalette32
+#include "sci/graphics/plane32.h" // for Plane, PlanePictureCodes::kP...
+#include "sci/graphics/screen_item32.h" // for ScaleInfo, ScreenItem, Scale...
+#include "sci/graphics/text32.h" // for BitmapResource
+#include "sci/video/seq_decoder.h"
+#include "sci/sci.h" // for SciEngine, g_sci, getSciVersion
+#include "video/avi_decoder.h"
#include "video/coktel_decoder.h"
namespace Sci {
+#pragma mark SEQPlayer
+SEQPlayer::SEQPlayer(SegManager *segMan) :
+ _segMan(segMan),
+ _decoder(nullptr),
+ _plane(nullptr),
+ _screenItem(nullptr) {}
+void SEQPlayer::play(const Common::String &fileName, const int16 numTicks, const int16 x, const int16 y) {
+ delete _decoder;
+ _decoder = new SEQDecoder(numTicks);
+ _decoder->loadFile(fileName);
+ // NOTE: In the original engine, video was output directly to the hardware,
+ // bypassing the game's rendering engine. Instead of doing this, we use a
+ // mechanism that is very similar to that used by the VMD player, which
+ // allows the SEQ to be drawn into a bitmap ScreenItem and displayed using
+ // the normal graphics system.
+ _segMan->allocateBitmap(&_bitmap, _decoder->getWidth(), _decoder->getHeight(), kDefaultSkipColor, 0, 0, kLowResX, kLowResY, 0, false, false);
+ CelInfo32 celInfo;
+ celInfo.type = kCelTypeMem;
+ celInfo.bitmap = _bitmap;
+ _plane = new Plane(Common::Rect(kLowResX, kLowResY), kPlanePicColored);
+ g_sci->_gfxFrameout->addPlane(*_plane);
+ // Normally we would use the x, y coordinates passed into the play function
+ // to position the screen item, but because the video frame bitmap is
+ // drawn in low-resolution coordinates, it gets automatically scaled up by
+ // the engine (pixel doubling with aspect ratio correction). As a result,
+ // the animation does not need the extra offsets from the game in order to
+ // be correctly positioned in the middle of the window, so we ignore them.
+ _screenItem = new ScreenItem(_plane->_object, celInfo, Common::Point(0, 0), ScaleInfo());
+ g_sci->_gfxFrameout->addScreenItem(*_screenItem);
+ g_sci->_gfxFrameout->frameOut(true);
+ _decoder->start();
+ while (!g_engine->shouldQuit() && !_decoder->endOfVideo()) {
+ renderFrame();
+ g_sci->getEngineState()->speedThrottler(_decoder->getTimeToNextFrame());
+ g_sci->getEngineState()->_throttleTrigger = true;
+ }
+ _segMan->freeBitmap(_screenItem->_celInfo.bitmap);
+ g_sci->_gfxFrameout->deletePlane(*_plane);
+ g_sci->_gfxFrameout->frameOut(true);
+ _screenItem = nullptr;
+ _plane = nullptr;
+void SEQPlayer::renderFrame() const {
+ const Graphics::Surface *surface = _decoder->decodeNextFrame();
+ SciBitmap &bitmap = *_segMan->lookupBitmap(_bitmap);
+ bitmap.getBuffer().copyRectToSurface(*surface, 0, 0, Common::Rect(surface->w, surface->h));
+ const bool dirtyPalette = _decoder->hasDirtyPalette();
+ if (dirtyPalette) {
+ Palette palette;
+ const byte *rawPalette = _decoder->getPalette();
+ for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(palette.colors); ++i) {
+ palette.colors[i].r = *rawPalette++;
+ palette.colors[i].g = *rawPalette++;
+ palette.colors[i].b = *rawPalette++;
+ palette.colors[i].used = true;
+ }
+ g_sci->_gfxPalette32->submit(palette);
+ }
+ g_sci->_gfxFrameout->updateScreenItem(*_screenItem);
+ g_sci->getSciDebugger()->onFrame();
+ g_sci->_gfxFrameout->frameOut(true);
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark AVIPlayer
+AVIPlayer::AVIPlayer(SegManager *segMan, EventManager *eventMan) :
+ _segMan(segMan),
+ _eventMan(eventMan),
+ _decoder(new Video::AVIDecoder(Audio::Mixer::kSFXSoundType)),
+ _scaleBuffer(nullptr),
+ _plane(nullptr),
+ _screenItem(nullptr),
+ _status(kAVINotOpen) {}
+AVIPlayer::~AVIPlayer() {
+ close();
+ delete _decoder;
+AVIPlayer::IOStatus AVIPlayer::open(const Common::String &fileName) {
+ if (_status != kAVINotOpen) {
+ close();
+ }
+ if (!_decoder->loadFile(fileName)) {
+ return kIOFileNotFound;
+ }
+ _status = kAVIOpen;
+ return kIOSuccess;
+AVIPlayer::IOStatus AVIPlayer::init1x(const int16 x, const int16 y, int16 width, int16 height) {
+ if (!width || !height) {
+ width = _decoder->getWidth();
+ height = _decoder->getHeight();
+ }
+ // QFG4CD gives non-multiple-of-2 values for width and height,
+ // which would normally be OK except the source video is a pixel bigger
+ // in each dimension
+ width = (width + 1) & ~1;
+ height = (height + 1) & ~1;
+ _drawRect.left = x;
+ _drawRect.top = y;
+ _drawRect.right = x + width;
+ _drawRect.bottom = y + height;
+ // SCI2.1 uses init2x to draw a pixel-doubled AVI, but SCI2 has only the
+ // one play routine which automatically pixel-doubles in hi-res mode
+ if (getSciVersion() == SCI_VERSION_2) {
+ // NOTE: This is somewhat of a hack; credits.avi from GK1 is not
+ // rendered correctly in SSCI because it is a 640x480 video, but the
+ // game script gives the wrong dimensions. Since this is the only
+ // high-resolution AVI ever used, just set the draw rectangle to draw
+ // the entire screen
+ if (_decoder->getWidth() > 320) {
+ _drawRect.left = 0;
+ _drawRect.top = 0;
+ _drawRect.right = 320;
+ _drawRect.bottom = 200;
+ }
+ // In hi-res mode, video will be pixel doubled, so the origin (which
+ // corresponds to the correct position without pixel doubling) needs to
+ // be corrected
+ if (g_sci->_gfxFrameout->_isHiRes && _decoder->getWidth() <= 320) {
+ _drawRect.left /= 2;
+ _drawRect.top /= 2;
+ }
+ }
+ _pixelDouble = false;
+ init();
+ return kIOSuccess;
+AVIPlayer::IOStatus AVIPlayer::init2x(const int16 x, const int16 y) {
+ _drawRect.left = x;
+ _drawRect.top = y;
+ _drawRect.right = x + _decoder->getWidth() * 2;
+ _drawRect.bottom = y + _decoder->getHeight() * 2;
+ _pixelDouble = true;
+ init();
+ return kIOSuccess;
+void AVIPlayer::init() {
+ int16 xRes;
+ int16 yRes;
+ if (g_sci->_gfxFrameout->_isHiRes && _decoder->getWidth() > 320) {
+ xRes = g_sci->_gfxFrameout->getCurrentBuffer().screenWidth;
+ yRes = g_sci->_gfxFrameout->getCurrentBuffer().screenHeight;
+ } else {
+ xRes = g_sci->_gfxFrameout->getCurrentBuffer().scriptWidth;
+ yRes = g_sci->_gfxFrameout->getCurrentBuffer().scriptHeight;
+ }
+ _plane = new Plane(_drawRect);
+ g_sci->_gfxFrameout->addPlane(*_plane);
+ if (_decoder->getPixelFormat().bytesPerPixel == 1) {
+ _segMan->allocateBitmap(&_bitmap, _decoder->getWidth(), _decoder->getHeight(), kDefaultSkipColor, 0, 0, xRes, yRes, 0, false, false);
+ CelInfo32 celInfo;
+ celInfo.type = kCelTypeMem;
+ celInfo.bitmap = _bitmap;
+ _screenItem = new ScreenItem(_plane->_object, celInfo, Common::Point(_drawRect.left, _drawRect.top), ScaleInfo());
+ g_sci->_gfxFrameout->addScreenItem(*_screenItem);
+ g_sci->_gfxFrameout->frameOut(true);
+ } else {
+ const Buffer &currentBuffer = g_sci->_gfxFrameout->getCurrentBuffer();
+ const Graphics::PixelFormat format = _decoder->getPixelFormat();
+ initGraphics(currentBuffer.screenWidth, currentBuffer.screenHeight, g_sci->_gfxFrameout->_isHiRes, &format);
+ if (_pixelDouble) {
+ const int16 width = _drawRect.width();
+ const int16 height = _drawRect.height();
+ _scaleBuffer = calloc(1, width * height * format.bytesPerPixel);
+ }
+ }
+AVIPlayer::IOStatus AVIPlayer::play(const int16 from, const int16 to, const int16, const bool async) {
+ if (from >= 0 && to > 0 && from <= to) {
+ _decoder->seekToFrame(from);
+ _decoder->setEndFrame(to);
+ }
+ if (!async) {
+ renderVideo();
+ }
+ _status = kAVIPlaying;
+ return kIOSuccess;
+void AVIPlayer::renderVideo() const {
+ _decoder->start();
+ while (!g_engine->shouldQuit() && !_decoder->endOfVideo()) {
+ g_sci->getEngineState()->speedThrottler(_decoder->getTimeToNextFrame());
+ g_sci->getEngineState()->_throttleTrigger = true;
+ if (_decoder->needsUpdate()) {
+ renderFrame();
+ }
+ }
+AVIPlayer::IOStatus AVIPlayer::close() {
+ if (_status == kAVINotOpen) {
+ return kIOSuccess;
+ }
+ free(_scaleBuffer);
+ _scaleBuffer = nullptr;
+ if (_decoder->getPixelFormat().bytesPerPixel != 1) {
+ const bool isHiRes = g_sci->_gfxFrameout->_isHiRes;
+ const Buffer &currentBuffer = g_sci->_gfxFrameout->getCurrentBuffer();
+ const Graphics::PixelFormat format = Graphics::PixelFormat::createFormatCLUT8();
+ initGraphics(currentBuffer.screenWidth, currentBuffer.screenHeight, isHiRes, &format);
+ }
+ _decoder->close();
+ _status = kAVINotOpen;
+ g_sci->_gfxFrameout->deletePlane(*_plane);
+ _plane = nullptr;
+ _screenItem = nullptr;
+ return kIOSuccess;
+AVIPlayer::IOStatus AVIPlayer::cue(const uint16 frameNo) {
+ if (!_decoder->seekToFrame(frameNo)) {
+ return kIOSeekFailed;
+ }
+ _status = kAVIPaused;
+ return kIOSuccess;
+uint16 AVIPlayer::getDuration() const {
+ if (_status == kAVINotOpen) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return _decoder->getFrameCount();
+void AVIPlayer::renderFrame() const {
+ const Graphics::Surface *surface = _decoder->decodeNextFrame();
+ if (surface->format.bytesPerPixel == 1) {
+ SciBitmap &bitmap = *_segMan->lookupBitmap(_bitmap);
+ if (surface->w > bitmap.getWidth() || surface->h > bitmap.getHeight()) {
+ warning("Attempted to draw a video frame larger than the destination bitmap");
+ return;
+ }
+ bitmap.getBuffer().copyRectToSurface(*surface, 0, 0, Common::Rect(surface->w, surface->h));
+ const bool dirtyPalette = _decoder->hasDirtyPalette();
+ if (dirtyPalette) {
+ Palette palette;
+ const byte *rawPalette = _decoder->getPalette();
+ for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(palette.colors); ++i) {
+ palette.colors[i].r = *rawPalette++;
+ palette.colors[i].g = *rawPalette++;
+ palette.colors[i].b = *rawPalette++;
+ palette.colors[i].used = true;
+ }
+ g_sci->_gfxPalette32->submit(palette);
+ }
+ g_sci->_gfxFrameout->updateScreenItem(*_screenItem);
+ g_sci->getSciDebugger()->onFrame();
+ g_sci->_gfxFrameout->frameOut(true);
+ } else {
+ Common::Rect drawRect(_drawRect);
+ const int16 screenWidth = g_sci->_gfxFrameout->getCurrentBuffer().screenWidth;
+ const int16 screenHeight = g_sci->_gfxFrameout->getCurrentBuffer().screenHeight;
+ const int16 scriptWidth = g_sci->_gfxFrameout->getCurrentBuffer().scriptWidth;
+ const int16 scriptHeight = g_sci->_gfxFrameout->getCurrentBuffer().scriptHeight;
+ if (_pixelDouble) {
+ scale(2, _scaleBuffer, surface->pitch * 2, surface->getPixels(), surface->pitch, surface->format.bytesPerPixel, surface->w, surface->h);
+ g_system->copyRectToScreen(_scaleBuffer, surface->pitch * 2, _drawRect.left, _drawRect.top, _drawRect.width(), _drawRect.height());
+ } else {
+ mulinc(drawRect, Ratio(screenWidth, scriptWidth), Ratio(screenHeight, scriptHeight));
+ g_system->copyRectToScreen(surface->getPixels(), surface->pitch, drawRect.left, drawRect.top, surface->w, surface->h);
+ }
+ }
+AVIPlayer::EventFlags AVIPlayer::playUntilEvent(EventFlags flags) {
+ _decoder->start();
+ EventFlags stopFlag = kEventFlagNone;
+ while (!g_engine->shouldQuit()) {
+ if (_decoder->endOfVideo()) {
+ stopFlag = kEventFlagEnd;
+ break;
+ }
+ g_sci->getEngineState()->speedThrottler(_decoder->getTimeToNextFrame());
+ g_sci->getEngineState()->_throttleTrigger = true;
+ if (_decoder->needsUpdate()) {
+ renderFrame();
+ }
+ SciEvent event = _eventMan->getSciEvent(SCI_EVENT_MOUSE_PRESS | SCI_EVENT_PEEK);
+ if ((flags & kEventFlagMouseDown) && event.type == SCI_EVENT_MOUSE_PRESS) {
+ stopFlag = kEventFlagMouseDown;
+ break;
+ }
+ event = _eventMan->getSciEvent(SCI_EVENT_KEYBOARD | SCI_EVENT_PEEK);
+ if ((flags & kEventFlagEscapeKey) && event.type == SCI_EVENT_KEYBOARD) {
+ bool stop = false;
+ while ((event = _eventMan->getSciEvent(SCI_EVENT_KEYBOARD)),
+ event.type != SCI_EVENT_NONE) {
+ if (event.character == SCI_KEY_ESC) {
+ stop = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (stop) {
+ stopFlag = kEventFlagEscapeKey;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: Hot rectangles
+ if ((flags & kEventFlagHotRectangle) /* && event.type == SCI_EVENT_HOT_RECTANGLE */) {
+ warning("Hot rectangles not implemented in VMD player");
+ stopFlag = kEventFlagHotRectangle;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return stopFlag;
+#pragma mark -
#pragma mark VMDPlayer
VMDPlayer::VMDPlayer(SegManager *segMan, EventManager *eventMan) :
@@ -117,7 +503,7 @@ VMDPlayer::IOStatus VMDPlayer::close() {
if (!_planeIsOwned && _screenItem != nullptr) {
- g_sci->getEngineState()->_segMan->freeBitmap(_screenItem->_celInfo.bitmap);
+ _segMan->freeBitmap(_screenItem->_celInfo.bitmap);
_screenItem = nullptr;
} else if (_plane != nullptr) {
diff --git a/engines/sci/graphics/video32.h b/engines/sci/graphics/video32.h
index 7033f7c647..b0deba148a 100644
--- a/engines/sci/graphics/video32.h
+++ b/engines/sci/graphics/video32.h
@@ -23,12 +23,208 @@
-namespace Video { class AdvancedVMDDecoder; }
+#include "common/rect.h" // for Rect
+#include "common/scummsys.h" // for int16, uint8, int32
+#include "common/str.h" // for String
+#include "sci/video/robot_decoder.h" // for RobotDecoder
+namespace Video {
+class AdvancedVMDDecoder;
+class AVIDecoder;
namespace Sci {
class Plane;
class ScreenItem;
class SegManager;
+class SEQDecoder;
+struct Palette;
+#pragma mark SEQPlayer
+ * SEQPlayer is used to play SEQ animations.
+ * Used by DOS versions of GK1 and QFG4CD.
+ */
+class SEQPlayer {
+ SEQPlayer(SegManager *segMan);
+ /**
+ * Plays a SEQ animation with the given
+ * file name, with each frame being displayed
+ * for `numTicks` ticks.
+ */
+ void play(const Common::String &fileName, const int16 numTicks, const int16 x, const int16 y);
+ SegManager *_segMan;
+ SEQDecoder *_decoder;
+ /**
+ * The plane where the SEQ will be drawn.
+ */
+ Plane *_plane;
+ /**
+ * The screen item representing the SEQ surface.
+ */
+ ScreenItem *_screenItem;
+ /**
+ * The bitmap used to render video output.
+ */
+ reg_t _bitmap;
+ /**
+ * Renders a single frame of video.
+ */
+ void renderFrame() const;
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark AVIPlayer
+ * AVIPlayer is used to play AVI videos. Used by
+ * Windows versions of GK1CD, KQ7, and QFG4CD.
+ */
+class AVIPlayer {
+ enum IOStatus {
+ kIOSuccess = 0,
+ kIOFileNotFound = 2,
+ kIOSeekFailed = 12
+ };
+ enum AVIStatus {
+ kAVINotOpen = 0,
+ kAVIOpen = 1,
+ kAVIPlaying = 2,
+ kAVIPaused = 3
+ };
+ enum EventFlags {
+ kEventFlagNone = 0,
+ kEventFlagEnd = 1,
+ kEventFlagEscapeKey = 2,
+ kEventFlagMouseDown = 4,
+ kEventFlagHotRectangle = 8
+ };
+ AVIPlayer(SegManager *segMan, EventManager *eventMan);
+ ~AVIPlayer();
+ /**
+ * Opens a stream to an AVI resource.
+ */
+ IOStatus open(const Common::String &fileName);
+ /**
+ * Initializes the AVI rendering parameters for the
+ * current AVI. This must be called after `open`.
+ */
+ IOStatus init1x(const int16 x, const int16 y, const int16 width, const int16 height);
+ /**
+ * Initializes the AVI rendering parameters for the
+ * current AVI, in pixel-doubling mode. This must
+ * be called after `open`.
+ */
+ IOStatus init2x(const int16 x, const int16 y);
+ /**
+ * Begins playback of the current AVI.
+ */
+ IOStatus play(const int16 from, const int16 to, const int16 showStyle, const bool cue);
+ /**
+ * Stops playback and closes the currently open AVI stream.
+ */
+ IOStatus close();
+ /**
+ * Seeks the currently open AVI stream to the given frame.
+ */
+ IOStatus cue(const uint16 frameNo);
+ /**
+ * Returns the duration of the current video.
+ */
+ uint16 getDuration() const;
+ /**
+ * Plays the AVI until an event occurs (e.g. user
+ * presses escape, clicks, etc.).
+ */
+ EventFlags playUntilEvent(const EventFlags flags);
+ typedef Common::HashMap<uint16, AVIStatus> StatusMap;
+ SegManager *_segMan;
+ EventManager *_eventMan;
+ Video::AVIDecoder *_decoder;
+ /**
+ * Playback status of the player.
+ */
+ AVIStatus _status;
+ /**
+ * The plane where the AVI will be drawn.
+ */
+ Plane *_plane;
+ /**
+ * The screen item representing the AVI surface,
+ * in 8bpp mode. In 24bpp mode, video is drawn
+ * directly to the screen.
+ */
+ ScreenItem *_screenItem;
+ /**
+ * The bitmap used to render video output in
+ * 8bpp mode.
+ */
+ reg_t _bitmap;
+ /**
+ * The rectangle where the video will be drawn,
+ * in game script coordinates.
+ */
+ Common::Rect _drawRect;
+ /**
+ * The scale buffer for pixel-doubled videos
+ * drawn in 24bpp mode.
+ */
+ void *_scaleBuffer;
+ /**
+ * In SCI2.1, whether or not the video should
+ * be pixel doubled for playback.
+ */
+ bool _pixelDouble;
+ /**
+ * Performs common initialisation for both
+ * scaled and unscaled videos.
+ */
+ void init();
+ /**
+ * Renders video without event input until the
+ * video is complete.
+ */
+ void renderVideo() const;
+ /**
+ * Renders a single frame of video.
+ */
+ void renderFrame() const;
+#pragma mark -
#pragma mark VMDPlayer
@@ -300,11 +496,17 @@ private:
class Video32 {
Video32(SegManager *segMan, EventManager *eventMan) :
+ _SEQPlayer(segMan),
+ _AVIPlayer(segMan, eventMan),
_VMDPlayer(segMan, eventMan) {}
+ SEQPlayer &getSEQPlayer() { return _SEQPlayer; }
+ AVIPlayer &getAVIPlayer() { return _AVIPlayer; }
VMDPlayer &getVMDPlayer() { return _VMDPlayer; }
+ SEQPlayer _SEQPlayer;
+ AVIPlayer _AVIPlayer;
VMDPlayer _VMDPlayer;
} // End of namespace Sci