path: root/engines/sherlock
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Diffstat (limited to 'engines/sherlock')
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/engines/sherlock/talk.cpp b/engines/sherlock/talk.cpp
index a84ce7cd70..e5d6cea64a 100644
--- a/engines/sherlock/talk.cpp
+++ b/engines/sherlock/talk.cpp
@@ -406,9 +406,104 @@ void Talk::talkTo(const Common::String &filename) {
+ * Main method for handling conversations when a character to talk to has been
+ * selected. It will make Holmes walk to the person to talk to, draws the
+ * interface window for the conversation and passes on control to give the
+ * player a list of options to make a selection from
+ */
void Talk::talk(int objNum) {
+ Events &events = *_vm->_events;
+ People &people = *_vm->_people;
+ Scene &scene = *_vm->_scene;
+ Screen &screen = *_vm->_screen;
+ Scripts &scripts = *_vm->_scripts;
+ UserInterface &ui = *_vm->_ui;
+ Object &obj = scene._bgShapes[objNum];
- // TODO
+ ui._windowBounds.top = CONTROLS_Y;
+ ui._infoFlag = true;
+ _speaker = 128;
+ loadTalkFile(scene._bgShapes[objNum]._name);
+ // Find the first statement with the correct flags
+ int select = -1;
+ for (uint idx = 0; idx < _statements.size(); ++idx) {
+ if (_statements[idx]._talkMap == 0) {
+ select = idx;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (select == -1)
+ error("No entry matched all required flags");
+ // See if the statement is a stealth mode reply
+ Statement &statement = _statements[select];
+ if (statement._statement.hasPrefix("^")) {
+ _sequenceStack.clear();
+ // Start talk in stealth mode
+ _talkStealth = 2;
+ talkTo(obj._name);
+ } else if (statement._statement.hasPrefix("*")) {
+ // Character being spoken to will speak first
+ _sequenceStack.clear();
+ scripts.pushSeq(_talkTo);
+ scripts.setStillSeq(_talkTo);
+ events.setCursor(WAIT);
+ if (obj._lookPosition.y != 0)
+ // Need to walk to character first
+ people.walkToCoords(Common::Point(obj._lookPosition.x, obj._lookPosition.y * 100),
+ obj._lookFacing);
+ events.setCursor(ARROW);
+ if (_talkToAbort)
+ talkTo(obj._name);
+ } else {
+ // Holmes will be speaking first
+ _sequenceStack.clear();
+ scripts.pushSeq(_talkTo);
+ scripts.setStillSeq(_talkTo);
+ _talkToFlag = false;
+ events.setCursor(WAIT);
+ if (obj._lookPosition.y != 0)
+ // Walk over to person to talk to
+ people.walkToCoords(Common::Point(obj._lookPosition.x, obj._lookPosition.y * 100),
+ obj._lookFacing);
+ events.setCursor(ARROW);
+ if (!_talkToAbort) {
+ // See if walking over triggered a conversation
+ if (_talkToFlag) {
+ if (_talkToFlag == 1) {
+ events.setCursor(ARROW);
+ // _sequenceStack._count = 1;
+ scripts.pullSeq();
+ }
+ } else {
+ drawInterface();
+ events._pressed = events._released = false;
+ _talkIndex = select;
+ displayTalk(false);
+ ui._selector = ui._oldSelector = -1;
+ if (!ui._windowStyle) {
+ screen.slamRect(Common::Rect(0, CONTROLS_Y, SHERLOCK_SCREEN_WIDTH,
+ } else {
+ ui.summonWindow();
+ }
+ ui._windowOpen = true;
+ }
+ _talkToFlag = -1;
+ }
+ }