path: root/engines/startrek/text.cpp
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diff --git a/engines/startrek/text.cpp b/engines/startrek/text.cpp
index 0f3b3e63c7..fc188b2d75 100644
--- a/engines/startrek/text.cpp
+++ b/engines/startrek/text.cpp
@@ -2602,6 +2602,69 @@ extern const char *const g_gameStrings[] = {
"#SIN4\\SIN4U83B#Captain, we'll help you all we can.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_001#Hmmmm... This computer doesn't have a keyboard.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_002#I don't have anything to say right now, Bones.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_003#Mr. Spock, why don't you take a look at those computers.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_004#Mr. Spock, why don't you take a look at those computers.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_005#Bring us home.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_006#Can you reprogram the Lucrs computer to give us that time, Mr. Spock?",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_007#If we could only bridge them...",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_008#Kirk to Enterprise. how are the transporters, Scotty?",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_009#Let's just find a way to stop this from happening again.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_010#Sometimes it's useful to confront the dark side of our nature, that which we might become.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_011#Well, gentlemen. Here's one fire we can put out. Let's go to work.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_012#A crude Uranium 235 nuclear device with Lithium - Beryllium shells to increase heavy particle fallout.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_013#All three of the computers in this room are fully operational.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_014#All readings are normal. The structure seems to be protecting us from the cosmic rays.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_015#Jim, I don't know anything about these things! Why don't you ask your science officer.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_016#Thank goodness. I was worried that there might be a radiation leak, but there's no sign of any.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_017#We're safe from the cosmic radiation, Jim.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_018#I wish I hadn't seen any of this.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_019#There's nothing constructive about this place, Spock! It's an obscenity!",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_020#They report different optimum launch times. Which is right?",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_021#Too bad old Omega here couldn't just take a sick day and miss the firing.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_022#Unbelievable, isn't it? Putting this much time and effort into building devices to kill people.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_023#Who needs efficiency, when the end of the world is everywhere around here!",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_024#Readings indicate an extremely high radiation level beyond those doors. It would be fatal to proceed beyond them.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_025#The launched missiles will run out of fuel before they reach Proxtrey. They will drift into the sun and burn up.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_026#This appears to be the brain of Scythe. There are two identical but isolated computers that communicate with a third which controls the launch of missiles.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_027#This computer cannot be accessed directly. It is controlled by the other two computers.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_028#This computer directly controls the missile launch system. There is no way to interface with it directly, but the other two computers are accessible.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_029#This computer is functional and performing an average .75 million operations per second.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_030#This computer is functional and performing an average 1.2 million operations per second.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_031#A great waste, doctor. A technologically advanced society, an advanced culture...",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_032#Because the two machines are isolated, the virus did not spread from one to the other.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_033#Curb your emotions, doctor. They serve no constructive purpose here. ",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_034#For people with emotions, Ensign, there are many things that can cause hatreds. And each new hatred breeds more hatred, and makes the path of peace harder to find.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_035#Given the elliptical orbit and the range at which they will pass Proxtrey, the Omega unit is correct, but the window is very narrow. A variation of minutes will mean the missiles run out of fuel and fall harmlessly into the sun.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_036#It appears they are out of sync, Captain. I have to assume the Alpha Unit has a virus which is using up an incredible amount of computing time.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_037#Reprogramming an old Alien computer is not simple, Captain. The odds against success are 10221 to 1 against.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_038#These warheads are not a very efficient delivery system, Captain.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_039#Welcome to Scythe Operations Center, Alpha Unit. Estimated time to optimal launch range is 3.21 hours adjusted.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_040#Welcome to Scythe Operations Center, Omega Unit. Estimated time to optimal launch range is 1.31 hours adjusted.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_041#Welcome to Scythe Operations Center, Omega Unit. Estimated time to optimal launch range is 1.54 hours adjusted.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_042#Sir, I don't think I'm qualified for that assignment. Mr. Spock would be a better choice, I think.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_043#The stun setting won't work, Sir!",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_044#Captain, something is wrong with the computers. They may be twins, but they are not identical.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_045#It's easy to say when you're not involved personally, Mr. Spock. But when people have treated you like a second class being because you are different, hate can become the only thing they can't take away from you. That is what started most of the firestorms of history.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_046#No intruders, Captain. I think everyone died a long, long time ago. I wonder what caused it.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5_S19#They're operational again, Captain. We're ready to bring you back at any time.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5N000#Captain James T. Kirk, fingering his communicator, wonders if anything else is happening aboard his ship.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5N001#Dr. McCoy takes several deep sighs and closes his eyes.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5N002#Ensign Mosher awaits orders.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5N003#Missiles of death and destruction. The Lucr believed that you could never have enough of them.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5N004#The connector snaps into place.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5N005#The control center for the base. Computers and nuclear missiles fill the room.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5N006#These instruments of war make Spock uncomfortable, but he says nothing.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5N007#These lights are still operational after centuries.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5N008#This computer controls the launch of missiles. It is directly controlled by the other computers.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5N009#This computer is marked with the first letter of the Lucr alphabet.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5N010#This computer is marked with the last letter of the Lucr alphabet.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5N011#This door is marked with a radiation hazard symbol.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5N012#Computer consoles do not take well to phasering. Sparks explode and, in a defensive maneuver prompted by this attack from within, the base launches a full spread of nuclear missiles at the Enterprise.",
+ "#SIN5\\SIN5N013#History will not be kind to you. Better luck next time.",
"#VENA\\VENA_F41#Kirk out.",