path: root/engines/startrek/text.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'engines/startrek/text.h')
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/engines/startrek/text.h b/engines/startrek/text.h
index a098aa0ad4..e8c22a398a 100644
--- a/engines/startrek/text.h
+++ b/engines/startrek/text.h
@@ -111,6 +111,11 @@ enum GameStringIDs {
@@ -2346,6 +2351,81 @@ enum GameStringIDs {
+ TX_TRI5_001,
+ TX_TRI5_002,
+ TX_TRI5_003,
+ TX_TRI5_004,
+ TX_TRI5_005,
+ TX_TRI5_006,
+ TX_TRI5_007,
+ TX_TRI5_008,
+ TX_TRI5_009,
+ TX_TRI5_010,
+ TX_TRI5_011,
+ TX_TRI5_012,
+ TX_TRI5_013,
+ TX_TRI5_014,
+ TX_TRI5_015,
+ TX_TRI5_016,
+ TX_TRI5_017,
+ TX_TRI5_018,
+ TX_TRI5_019,
+ TX_TRI5_020,
+ TX_TRI5_021,
+ TX_TRI5_022,
+ TX_TRI5_023,
+ TX_TRI5_024,
+ TX_TRI5_025,
+ TX_TRI5_026,
+ TX_TRI5_027,
+ TX_TRI5_028,
+ TX_TRI5_029,
+ TX_TRI5_030,
+ TX_TRI5_031,
+ TX_TRI5_032,
+ TX_TRI5_033,
+ TX_TRI5_034,
+ TX_TRI5_035,
+ TX_TRI5_036,
+ TX_TRI5_037,
+ TX_TRI5_038,
+ TX_TRI5_039,
+ TX_TRI5_040,
+ TX_TRI5_041,
+ TX_TRI5_042,
+ TX_TRI5_043,
+ TX_TRI5_044,
+ TX_TRI5_045,
+ TX_TRI5_046,
+ TX_TRI5_047,
+ TX_TRI5_048,
+ TX_TRI5_049,
+ TX_TRI5_050,
+ TX_TRI5_051,
+ TX_TRI5_052,
+ // UNUSED (000 -> 001)
+ TX_TRI5N002,
+ // UNUSED (003)
+ TX_TRI5N004,
+ TX_TRI5N005,
+ TX_TRI5N006,
+ TX_TRI5N007,
+ TX_TRI5N008,
+ TX_TRI5N009,
+ TX_TRI5N010,
+ TX_TRI5N011,
+ TX_TRI5N012,
+ TX_TRI5N013,
+ TX_TRI5N014,
+ TX_TRI5N015,
+ TX_TRI5N016,
+ TX_TRI5N017,
+ TX_TRI5N018,
+ TX_TRI5N019,
+ TX_TRI5N020,
+ TX_TRI5N021,
@@ -2409,6 +2489,11 @@ const char * const g_gameStrings[] = {
"Klingon Guard",
+ "Bialbi",
+ "A Voice Speaks",
+ "Light of War",
+ "Light of Knowledge",
+ "Light of Travel",
"#BRID\\BRIDU146#Nothing to report, Captain.",
@@ -4609,6 +4694,79 @@ const char * const g_gameStrings[] = {
"#TRI4\\TRI4_076#You humans have an excellent imagination, but a poor grasp of reality.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_001#Obviously, they want us to place the gems in the holes, but which one...",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_002#Gentlemen, I suggest we start trying to find out what this is. I have a feeling we've come some place Vlict wasn't expecting us to go.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_003#Hoist on your own petard, eh, Vlict? Do you want me to help you?",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_004#I do not see what can be served by more killing.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_005#I fear that politics will make it impossible. Your planet is in Klingon space. But I don't understand why the Klingons never detected you.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_006#If I have your word that Quetzecoatl goes free, I'm willing to intervene to save you.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_007#If I have your word that Quetzecoatl goes free, I'm willing to intervene to save you.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_008#You tried to send me to my death. Now you can rot as you get what you deserve.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_009#You tried to eliminate me. Now you can rot as you get what you deserve.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_010#Captain, it seems to be some sort of interface device, but I do not know how to activate it.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_011#Jim, I have no idea what it is. Why don't you try asking Spock.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_012#Nobody needs healing, Jim, but you will if they harm my patient.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_013#We've got to get out of here, Jim!",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_014#Even I can see that, you pointy-eared freak!",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_015#He really doesn't have a likable personality, does he?",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_016#I suspect Captain, that the machinery is activated by placing the gems in the proper slots. We should determine a system for this.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_017#This is not Klingon technology, Captain.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_018#Kirk!",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_019#Agreed!",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_020#Kirk! This is your doing!",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_021#Rrrrr. Very well. I agree to your terms.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_022#You have no right to try me!",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_023#You want me to beg like a weakling child cowering before his betters!",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_024#This is Bialbi, the most advanced lifeform on this world. Thank you for informing us of the situation. It shall be resolved.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_025#A life for a life is a just bargain. But his crimes are beyond count.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_026#Admiral Vlict, the entity Quetzecoatl shall be set free. If you ever return to this sector, the sentence shall be carried out. No Klingon vessel may ever return to this world.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_027#Admiral Vlict, this is the defensive system of Hrakkour. You have engaged in genocidal activities on this world. Have you anything to say before your sentence is passed?",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_028#As for you, Captain, you may return. I find your social development most pleasing.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_029#I have as much right as you to conduct trials on this planet. You showed no justice to your victim. The penalty for injustice is death.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_030#Idealism! An advanced concept! Naive, perhaps, but charming in its simplicity.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_031#No, Admiral, it is not, but that will suffice as a final public statement. The sentence is banishment, to you and all members of your crew who were involved in this action.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_032#Now, you may go. Heed my warning Vlict. I shall not be merciful a second time.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_033#Their archeological digs did come close, Captain, but I am very elusive. I waited and monitored the situation and chose to reveal myself to you.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_034#You will be returned to your ship, Captain. As will the creature who was unfairly punished. You need not witness the Klingon's punishment.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_035#Not primed for neural interlink.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_036#Alien vessels scanned.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_037#Integrator now active",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_038#Telepathic entry codes required for greater than level One functions. Neural interlink at the integrator, and use the main index code of my light",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_039#That combination is restricted to higher order functions. Neural interlink required.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_040#This is Bialbi, High Mentalic of Hrakkour. For defense, use the light of war. For information, use my light. For transportation, use the light of travel. Sequences are keyed by combinations of crystals.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_041#To use any light, the first crystal must correspond to the color of the light.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_042#Force field blocks trans-system transport. Transport aborted. Use defense systems to eliminate alien vessels.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_043#That destination no longer exists. Transport abandoned.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_044#There is damage in the archive section due to a recent neutrino burst. Transport aborted.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_045#There is no battle site at present at which to transport you.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_046#We can transport you only in proximity of nearest humanoid life. Transport imminent.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_047#Alien vessels scanned.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_048#Breach of protocol. Alien invasion imminent. Internal security activated.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_049#Internal defenses off line. Failsafes cancelled.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_050#Planetary defenses revived. All alien vessels in orbit destroyed.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_051#I guess I should've taken a few more science courses at the Academy.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5_052#What is this place?",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5N002#A platform emitting a beam light.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5N004#A strange yellow light.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5N005#James T. Kirk, hero of the galaxy!",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5N006#Openings on the platform. Place something in these holes?",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5N007#Your communicator is not working.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5N008#Your ever emotional friend, Dr. McCoy.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5N009#Your ever logical friend, Spock.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5N010#Your ever nervous crewman, Ensign Bennie.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5N011#Your phaser is not working.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5N012#Your tricorder's recording functions are working, but it does not seem to be able to analyze.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5N013#This large gem appears to be a ruby of unusual size. This is obviously artificial.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5N014#This large gem appears to be a ruby of unusual size. This is obviously artificial.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5N015#This large gem appears to be a ruby of unusual size. This is obviously artificial.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5N016#This large gem appears to be a saphire of unusual size. This is obviously artificial.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5N017#This large gem appears to be a saphire of unusual size. This is obviously artificial.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5N018#This large gem appears to be a saphire of unusual size. This is obviously artificial.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5N019#This large gem appears to be a emerald of unusual size. This is obviously artificial.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5N020#This large gem appears to be a emerald of unusual size. This is obviously artificial.",
+ "#TRI5\\TRI5N021#This large gem appears to be a emerald of unusual size. This is obviously artificial.",
"#SIN3\\SIN3_012#Can't say I like the decor.",