path: root/engines/supernova/supernova.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'engines/supernova/supernova.cpp')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/engines/supernova/supernova.cpp b/engines/supernova/supernova.cpp
index 5fc88f6d06..0929f6c19d 100644
--- a/engines/supernova/supernova.cpp
+++ b/engines/supernova/supernova.cpp
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@
#include "graphics/surface.h"
#include "graphics/screen.h"
#include "graphics/palette.h"
+#include "audio/mods/protracker.h"
+#include "common/memstream.h"
+#include "common/endian.h"
#include "supernova/supernova.h"
@@ -254,16 +257,18 @@ void SupernovaEngine::stopSound() {
void SupernovaEngine::playSoundMod(int filenumber)
- if (filenumber != 49 || filenumber != 52) {
- error("File not supposed to be played!");
+ if (filenumber != 49 && filenumber != 52) {
+ return;
- Common::File *file = new Common::File;
- if (!file->open(Common::String::format("msn_data.%03d", filenumber))) {
- error("File %s could not be read!", file->getName());
- }
+ Common::MemoryReadStream *modBuffer;
+ modBuffer = convertToMod(Common::String::format("msn_data.%03d", filenumber).c_str());
- // play Supernova MOD file
+ if (modBuffer) {
+ Audio::AudioStream *audioStream = Audio::makeProtrackerStream(modBuffer);
+ stopSound();
+ _mixer->playStream(Audio::Mixer::kMusicSoundType, &_soundHandle, audioStream);
+ }
void SupernovaEngine::renderImage(MSNImageDecoder &image, int section, bool fullscreen) {
@@ -1221,5 +1226,190 @@ void GameManager::executeRoom() {
+Common::MemoryReadStream *SupernovaEngine::convertToMod(const char *filename, int version) {
+ // MSN format
+ struct {
+ uint16 seg;
+ uint16 start;
+ uint16 end;
+ uint16 loopStart;
+ uint16 loopEnd;
+ char volume;
+ char dummy[5];
+ } instr2[22];
+ int nbInstr2; // 22 for version1, 15 for version 2
+ int16 songLength;
+ char arrangement[128];
+ int16 patternNumber;
+ int32 note2[28][64][4];
+ nbInstr2 = ((version == 1) ? 22 : 15);
+ Common::File msnFile;
+ msnFile.open(filename);
+ if (!msnFile.isOpen()) {
+ warning("Data file '%s' not found", msnFile.getName());
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0 ; i < nbInstr2 ; ++i) {
+ instr2[i].seg = msnFile.readUint16LE();
+ instr2[i].start = msnFile.readUint16LE();
+ instr2[i].end = msnFile.readUint16LE();
+ instr2[i].loopStart = msnFile.readUint16LE();
+ instr2[i].loopEnd = msnFile.readUint16LE();
+ instr2[i].volume = msnFile.readByte();
+ msnFile.read(instr2[i].dummy, 5);
+ }
+ songLength = msnFile.readSint16LE();
+ msnFile.read(arrangement, 128);
+ patternNumber = msnFile.readSint16LE();
+ for (int p = 0 ; p < patternNumber ; ++p) {
+ for (int n = 0 ; n < 64 ; ++n) {
+ for (int k = 0 ; k < 4 ; ++k) {
+ note2[p][n][k] = msnFile.readSint32LE();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* MOD format */
+ struct {
+ char iname[22];
+ uint16 length;
+ char finetune;
+ char volume;
+ uint16 loopStart;
+ uint16 loopLength;
+ } instr[31];
+ int32 note[28][64][4];
+ // We can't recover some MOD effects since several of them are mapped to 0.
+ // Assume the MSN effect of value 0 is Arpeggio (MOD effect of value 0).
+ const char invConvEff[8] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 10, 12, 13 ,15};
+ // Reminder from convertToMsn
+ // 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 - 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 - 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 - 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
+ // h h h h g g g g f f f f e e e e d d d d c c c c b b b b a a a a
+ //
+ // MSN:
+ // hhhh (4 bits) Cleared to 0
+ // dddd c (5 bits) Sample index | after mapping through convInstr
+ // ccc (3 bits) Effect type | after mapping through convEff
+ // bbbb aaaa (8 bits) Effect value | unmodified
+ // gggg ffff eeee (12 bits) Sample period | unmodified
+ //
+ // MS2:
+ // hhhh (4 bits) Cleared to 0
+ // dddd (4 bits) Sample index | after mapping through convInstr
+ // cccc (4 bits) Effect type | unmodified
+ // bbbb aaaa (8 bits) Effect value | unmodified
+ // gggg ffff eeee (12 bits) Sample period | transformed (0xE000 / p) - 256
+ //
+ // MOD:
+ // hhhh dddd (8 bits) Sample index
+ // cccc (4 bits) Effect type for this channel/division
+ // bbbb aaaa (8 bits) Effect value
+ // gggg ffff eeee (12 bits) Sample period
+ // Can we recover the instruments mapping? I don't think so as part of the original instrument index is cleared.
+ // And it doesn't really matter as long as we are consistent.
+ // However we need to make sure 31 (or 15 in MS2) is mapped to 0 in MOD.
+ // We just add 1 to all other values, and this means a 1 <-> 1 mapping for the instruments
+ for (int p = 0; p < patternNumber; ++p) {
+ for (int n = 0; n < 64; ++n) {
+ for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k) {
+ int32* l = &(note[p][n][k]);
+ *l = note2[p][n][k];
+ int32 i = 0;
+ if (nbInstr2 == 22) { // version 1
+ i = ((*l & 0xF800) >> 11);
+ int32 e = ((*l & 0x0700) >> 8);
+ int32 e1 = invConvEff[e];
+ *l &= 0x0FFF00FF;
+ *l |= (e1 << 8);
+ } else { // version 2
+ int32 h = (*l >> 16);
+ i = ((*l & 0xF000) >> 12);
+ *l &= 0x00000FFF;
+ if (h)
+ h = 0xE000 / (h + 256);
+ *l |= (h << 16);
+ if (i == 15)
+ i = 31;
+ }
+ // Add back index in note
+ if (i != 31) {
+ ++i;
+ *l |= ((i & 0x0F) << 12);
+ *l |= ((i & 0xF0) << 24);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 31; ++i) {
+ // iname is not stored in the mod file. Just set it to 'instrument#'
+ // finetune is not stored either. Assume 0.
+ memset(instr[i].iname, 0, 22);
+ sprintf(instr[i].iname, "instrument%d", i+1);
+ instr[i].length = 0;
+ instr[i].finetune = 0;
+ instr[i].volume = 0;
+ instr[i].loopStart = 0;
+ instr[i].loopLength = 0;
+ if (i < nbInstr2) {
+ instr[i].length = ((instr2[i].end - instr2[i].start) >> 1);
+ instr[i].loopStart = ((instr2[i].loopStart - instr2[i].start) >> 1);
+ instr[i].loopLength = (( instr2[i].loopEnd - instr2[i].loopStart) >> 1);
+ instr[i].volume = instr2[i].volume;
+ }
+ }
+ // The ciaaSpeed is kind of useless and not present in the MSN file.
+ // Traditionally 0x78 in SoundTracker. Was used in NoiseTracker as a restart point.
+ // ProTracker uses 0x7F. FastTracker uses it as a restart point, whereas ScreamTracker 3 uses 0x7F like ProTracker.
+ // You can use this to roughly detect which tracker made a MOD, and detection gets more accurate for more obscure MOD types.
+ char ciaaSpeed = 0x7F;
+ // The mark cannot be recovered either. Since we have 4 channels and 31 instrument it can be either ID='M.K.' or ID='4CHN'.
+ // Assume 'M.K.'
+ const char mark[4] = { 'M', '.', 'K', '.' };
+ Common::MemoryWriteStreamDynamic buffer(DisposeAfterUse::NO);
+ buffer.write(msnFile.getName(), 19);
+ buffer.writeByte(0);
+ for (int i = 0 ; i < 31 ; ++i) {
+ buffer.write(instr[i].iname, 22);
+ buffer.writeUint16BE(instr[i].length);
+ buffer.writeByte(instr[i].finetune);
+ buffer.writeByte(instr[i].volume);
+ buffer.writeUint16BE(instr[i].loopStart);
+ buffer.writeUint16BE(instr[i].loopLength);
+ }
+ buffer.writeByte((char)songLength);
+ buffer.writeByte(ciaaSpeed);
+ buffer.write(arrangement, 128);
+ buffer.write(mark, 4);
+ for (int p = 0 ; p < patternNumber ; ++p) {
+ for (int n = 0 ; n < 64 ; ++n) {
+ for (int k = 0 ; k < 4 ; ++k) {
+// buffer.writeUint32BE(*((uint32*)(note[p][n]+k)));
+ buffer.writeSint32BE(note[p][n][k]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ uint nb;
+ char buf[4096];
+ while ((nb = msnFile.read(buf, 4096)) > 0)
+ buffer.write(buf, nb);
+ return new Common::MemoryReadStream(buffer.getData(), buffer.size());