path: root/engines
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1 files changed, 137 insertions, 132 deletions
diff --git a/engines/avalanche/acci2.cpp b/engines/avalanche/acci2.cpp
index b69e0514c4..ef6631184c 100644
--- a/engines/avalanche/acci2.cpp
+++ b/engines/avalanche/acci2.cpp
@@ -214,23 +214,26 @@ void Acci::init() {
void Acci::clearWords() {
- for (byte i = 0; i < 11; i++)
+ for (byte i = 0; i < 11; i++) {
if (!_realWords[i].empty())
+ }
byte Acci::wordNum(Common::String word) {
if (word.empty())
return 0;
- for (int32 i = kParserWordsNum - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ for (int32 i = kParserWordsNum - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (kVocabulary[i]._word == word)
return kVocabulary[i]._number;
+ }
// If not found as a whole, we look for it as a substring.
- for (int32 i = kParserWordsNum - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ for (int32 i = kParserWordsNum - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (Common::String(kVocabulary[i]._word.c_str(), word.size()) == word)
return kVocabulary[i]._number;
+ }
return kPardon;
@@ -301,13 +304,14 @@ void Acci::cheatParse(Common::String codes) {
void Acci::stripPunctuation(Common::String &word) {
const char punct[] = "~`!@#$%^&*()_+-={}[]:\"|;'\\,./<>?";
- for (byte i = 0; i < 32; i++)
- do {
+ for (byte i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
+ for (;;) {
int16 pos = _vm->_parser->pos(Common::String(punct[i]), word);
if (pos == -1)
- } while (true);
+ }
+ }
@@ -363,9 +367,11 @@ void Acci::properNouns() {
// We set every word's first character to uppercase.
- for (byte i = 1; i < (_vm->_parser->_inputText.size() - 1); i++)
+ for (byte i = 1; i < (_vm->_parser->_inputText.size() - 1); i++) {
if (_vm->_parser->_inputText[i] == ' ')
_vm->_parser->_inputText.setChar(toupper(_vm->_parser->_inputText[i + 1]), i + 1);
+ }
// And the first character as well.
_vm->_parser->_inputText.setChar(toupper(_vm->_parser->_inputText[0]), 0);
@@ -390,39 +396,35 @@ void Acci::storeInterrogation(byte interrogation) {
_vm->_timeout->lose_timer(_vm->_timeout->reason_cardiffsurvey); // If you want to use any other timer, put this into the case statement.
switch (interrogation) {
- case 1: {
- _vm->_parser->_inputText.toLowercase();
- sayIt();
- _vm->_gyro->dna.like2drink = _vm->_parser->_inputText;
- _vm->_gyro->dna.cardiff_things = 2;
- }
- break;
- case 2: {
- properNouns();
- sayIt();
- _vm->_gyro->dna.favourite_song = _vm->_parser->_inputText;
- _vm->_gyro->dna.cardiff_things = 3;
- }
- break;
- case 3: {
- properNouns();
- sayIt();
- _vm->_gyro->dna.worst_place_on_earth = _vm->_parser->_inputText;
- _vm->_gyro->dna.cardiff_things = 4;
- }
- break;
- case 4: {
- _vm->_parser->_inputText.toLowercase();
- sayIt();
- if (!_vm->_gyro->dna.spare_evening.empty())
- _vm->_gyro->dna.spare_evening.clear();
- _vm->_gyro->dna.spare_evening = _vm->_parser->_inputText;
- _vm->_visa->dixi('z', 5); /* His closing statement... */
- _vm->_trip->tr[1].walkto(4); /* The end of the drawbridge */
- _vm->_trip->tr[1].vanishifstill = true; /* Then go away! */
- _vm->_gyro->magics[1].op = _vm->_gyro->nix;
- _vm->_gyro->dna.cardiff_things = 5;
- }
+ case 1:
+ _vm->_parser->_inputText.toLowercase();
+ sayIt();
+ _vm->_gyro->dna.like2drink = _vm->_parser->_inputText;
+ _vm->_gyro->dna.cardiff_things = 2;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ properNouns();
+ sayIt();
+ _vm->_gyro->dna.favourite_song = _vm->_parser->_inputText;
+ _vm->_gyro->dna.cardiff_things = 3;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ properNouns();
+ sayIt();
+ _vm->_gyro->dna.worst_place_on_earth = _vm->_parser->_inputText;
+ _vm->_gyro->dna.cardiff_things = 4;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ _vm->_parser->_inputText.toLowercase();
+ sayIt();
+ if (!_vm->_gyro->dna.spare_evening.empty())
+ _vm->_gyro->dna.spare_evening.clear();
+ _vm->_gyro->dna.spare_evening = _vm->_parser->_inputText;
+ _vm->_visa->dixi('z', 5); /* His closing statement... */
+ _vm->_trip->tr[1].walkto(4); /* The end of the drawbridge */
+ _vm->_trip->tr[1].vanishifstill = true; /* Then go away! */
+ _vm->_gyro->magics[1].op = _vm->_gyro->nix;
+ _vm->_gyro->dna.cardiff_things = 5;
case 99:
@@ -512,21 +514,24 @@ void Acci::parse() {
// Delete words we already processed.
int16 spacePos = _vm->_parser->pos(Common::String(' '), inputTextUpper);
- if (spacePos > -1)
+ if (spacePos > -1) {
for (byte i = 0; i <= spacePos; i++)
+ }
spacePos = _vm->_parser->pos(Common::String(' '), inputText);
- if (spacePos > -1)
+ if (spacePos > -1) {
for (byte i = 0; i <= spacePos; i++)
+ }
if (_vm->_parser->pos(Common::String('\xFE'), _thats) > -1)
_unknown = _realWords[_vm->_parser->pos(Common::String('\xFE'), _thats)];
- else
+ else {
if (!_unknown.empty())
+ }
// Replace words' codes that mean the same.
replace(Common::String('\xFF'), 0); /* zap noise words */
replace(Common::String('\xD') + '\xE2', 1); // "look at" = "examine"
@@ -577,24 +582,28 @@ void Acci::parse() {
- if ((_vm->_gyro->subjnumber == 0) && !_thats.empty()) // Still not found.
- for (i = 0; i < _thats.size() - 1; i++)
+ if ((_vm->_gyro->subjnumber == 0) && !_thats.empty()) { // Still not found.
+ for (i = 0; i < _thats.size() - 1; i++) {
if ((byte)_thats[i] == 252) { // The word is "about", or something similar.
_vm->_gyro->subjnumber = (byte)_thats[i + 1];
_thats.setChar(0, i + 1);
+ }
+ }
- if ((_vm->_gyro->subjnumber == 0) && !_thats.empty())// STILL not found! Must be the word after "say".
- for (i = 0; i < _thats.size() - 1; i++)
+ if ((_vm->_gyro->subjnumber == 0) && !_thats.empty()) { // STILL not found! Must be the word after "say".
+ for (i = 0; i < _thats.size() - 1; i++) {
if (((byte)_thats[i] == 7) && ((byte)_thats[i + 1] != 0) && !((225 <= (byte)_thats[i + 1]) && ((byte)_thats[i + 1] <= 229))) {
// SAY not followed by a preposition
_vm->_gyro->subjnumber = (byte)_thats[i + 1];
_thats.setChar(0, i + 1);
+ }
+ }
- for (int8 i = _thats.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) // Reverse order, so first will be used.
+ for (int8 i = _thats.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // Reverse order, so first will be used.
if (((byte)_thats[i] == 253) || ((byte)_thats[i] == 249) || ((1 <= (byte)_thats[i]) && ((byte)_thats[i] <= 49)))
_verb = (byte)_thats[i];
else if ((50 <= (byte)_thats[i]) && ((byte)_thats[i] <= 149)) {
@@ -604,12 +613,13 @@ void Acci::parse() {
_person = (byte)_thats[i];
else if ((byte)_thats[i] == 251)
_polite = true;
+ }
- if ((!_unknown.empty()) && (_verb != kVerbCodeExam) && (_verb != kVerbCodeTalk) && (_verb != kVerbCodeSave) && (_verb != kVerbCodeLoad) && (_verb != kVerbCodeDir)) {
- _vm->_scrolls->display(Common::String("Sorry, but I have no idea kWhat \"") + _unknown + "\" means. Can you rephrase it?");
- _vm->_gyro->weirdword = true;
- } else
- _vm->_gyro->weirdword = false;
+ if ((!_unknown.empty()) && (_verb != kVerbCodeExam) && (_verb != kVerbCodeTalk) && (_verb != kVerbCodeSave) && (_verb != kVerbCodeLoad) && (_verb != kVerbCodeDir)) {
+ _vm->_scrolls->display(Common::String("Sorry, but I have no idea kWhat \"") + _unknown + "\" means. Can you rephrase it?");
+ _vm->_gyro->weirdword = true;
+ } else
+ _vm->_gyro->weirdword = false;
if (_thats.empty())
_thats = kNothing;
@@ -617,11 +627,12 @@ void Acci::parse() {
if (_thing != kPardon)
_vm->_gyro->it = _thing;
- if (_person != kPardon)
+ if (_person != kPardon) {
if (_person < 175)
_vm->_gyro->him = _person;
_vm->_gyro->her = _person;
+ }
void Acci::examineObject() {
@@ -709,8 +720,6 @@ bool Acci::holding() {
return holdingResult;
void Acci::openBox(bool isOpening) {
if ((_vm->_gyro->dna.room == r__yours) && (_thing == 54)) {
_vm->_celer->drawBackgroundSprite(-1, -1, 5);
@@ -745,30 +754,29 @@ void Acci::examine() {
} else if (_person != kPardon)
- else _vm->_scrolls->display("It's just as it looks on the picture."); // Don't know: guess.
+ else
+ _vm->_scrolls->display("It's just as it looks on the picture."); // Don't know: guess.
void Acci::inventory() {
byte itemNum = 0;
_vm->_scrolls->display(Common::String("You're carrying ") + _vm->_scrolls->kControlToBuffer);
- {
- for (byte i = 0; i < numobjs; i++)
- if (_vm->_gyro->dna.obj[i]) {
- itemNum++;
- if (itemNum == _vm->_gyro->dna.carrying)
- _vm->_scrolls->display(Common::String("and ") + _vm->_scrolls->kControlToBuffer);
- _vm->_scrolls->display(_vm->_gyro->get_better(i + 1) + _vm->_scrolls->kControlToBuffer);
- if ((i + 1) == _vm->_gyro->dna.wearing)
- _vm->_scrolls->display(Common::String(", which you're wearing") + _vm->_scrolls->kControlToBuffer);
- if (itemNum < _vm->_gyro->dna.carrying)
- _vm->_scrolls->display(Common::String(", ") + _vm->_scrolls->kControlToBuffer);
- }
- if (_vm->_gyro->dna.wearing == kNothing)
- _vm->_scrolls->display(Common::String("...") + _vm->_scrolls->kControlNewLine + _vm->_scrolls->kControlNewLine + "...and you're stark naked!");
- else
- _vm->_scrolls->display(".");
+ for (byte i = 0; i < numobjs; i++) {
+ if (_vm->_gyro->dna.obj[i]) {
+ itemNum++;
+ if (itemNum == _vm->_gyro->dna.carrying)
+ _vm->_scrolls->display(Common::String("and ") + _vm->_scrolls->kControlToBuffer);
+ _vm->_scrolls->display(_vm->_gyro->get_better(i + 1) + _vm->_scrolls->kControlToBuffer);
+ if ((i + 1) == _vm->_gyro->dna.wearing)
+ _vm->_scrolls->display(Common::String(", which you're wearing") + _vm->_scrolls->kControlToBuffer);
+ if (itemNum < _vm->_gyro->dna.carrying)
+ _vm->_scrolls->display(Common::String(", ") + _vm->_scrolls->kControlToBuffer);
+ }
+ if (_vm->_gyro->dna.wearing == kNothing)
+ _vm->_scrolls->display(Common::String("...") + _vm->_scrolls->kControlNewLine + _vm->_scrolls->kControlNewLine + "...and you're stark naked!");
+ else
+ _vm->_scrolls->display(".");
@@ -776,18 +784,17 @@ void Acci::swallow() { /* Eat something. */
switch (_thing) {
case Gyro::wine:
switch (_vm->_gyro->dna.winestate) { /* 4 is perfect */
- case 1: {
- if (_vm->_gyro->dna.teetotal) {
- _vm->_visa->dixi('D', 6);
- return;
- }
- _vm->_visa->dixi('U', 1);
- _vm->_pingo->wobble();
- _vm->_visa->dixi('U', 2);
- _vm->_gyro->dna.obj[_vm->_gyro->wine - 1] = false;
- _vm->_lucerna->objectlist();
- drink();
+ case 1:
+ if (_vm->_gyro->dna.teetotal) {
+ _vm->_visa->dixi('D', 6);
+ return;
+ _vm->_visa->dixi('U', 1);
+ _vm->_pingo->wobble();
+ _vm->_visa->dixi('U', 2);
+ _vm->_gyro->dna.obj[_vm->_gyro->wine - 1] = false;
+ _vm->_lucerna->objectlist();
+ drink();
case 2:
case 3:
@@ -795,12 +802,11 @@ void Acci::swallow() { /* Eat something. */
break; /* You can't drink it! */
- case Gyro::potion: {
- _vm->_gyro->background(4);
- _vm->_visa->dixi('U', 3);
- _vm->_lucerna->gameover();
- _vm->_gyro->background(0);
- }
+ case Gyro::potion:
+ _vm->_gyro->background(4);
+ _vm->_visa->dixi('U', 3);
+ _vm->_lucerna->gameover();
+ _vm->_gyro->background(0);
case Gyro::ink:
_vm->_visa->dixi('U', 4);
@@ -808,10 +814,9 @@ void Acci::swallow() { /* Eat something. */
case Gyro::chastity:
_vm->_visa->dixi('U', 5);
- case Gyro::mushroom: {
- _vm->_visa->dixi('U', 6);
- _vm->_lucerna->gameover();
- }
+ case Gyro::mushroom:
+ _vm->_visa->dixi('U', 6);
+ _vm->_lucerna->gameover();
case Gyro::onion:
if (_vm->_gyro->dna.rotten_onion)
@@ -833,15 +838,16 @@ void Acci::swallow() { /* Eat something. */
void Acci::peopleInRoom() {
byte numPeople = 0; // Number of people in the room.
- for (byte i = 1; i < 29; i++) // Start at 1 so we don't list Avvy himself!
+ for (byte i = 1; i < 29; i++) { // Start at 1 so we don't list Avvy himself!
if (_vm->_gyro->whereis[i] == _vm->_gyro->dna.room)
+ }
if (numPeople == 0) // If nobody's here, we can cut out straight away.
byte actPerson = 0; // Actually listed people.
- for (byte i = 1; i < 29; i++)
+ for (byte i = 1; i < 29; i++) {
if (_vm->_gyro->whereis[i] == _vm->_gyro->dna.room) {
if (actPerson == 1) // First on the list.
@@ -851,6 +857,7 @@ void Acci::peopleInRoom() {
else // The end.
_vm->_scrolls->display(Common::String(" and ") + _vm->_gyro->getname(i + 150) + _vm->_scrolls->kControlToBuffer);
+ }
if (numPeople == 1)
_vm->_scrolls->display(Common::String(" is") + _vm->_scrolls->kControlToBuffer);
@@ -921,11 +928,10 @@ void Acci::openDoor() {
if ((!_vm->_gyro->dna.user_moves_avvy) && (_vm->_gyro->dna.room != r__lusties))
return; // No doors can open if you can't move Avvy.
- for (byte fv = 8; fv < 15; fv++)
+ for (byte fv = 8; fv < 15; fv++) {
if (_vm->_trip->infield(fv + 1)) {
fv -= 8;
@@ -951,6 +957,7 @@ void Acci::openDoor() {
+ }
if (_vm->_gyro->dna.room == r__map)
_vm->_scrolls->display(Common::String("Avvy, you can complete the whole game without ever going "
@@ -1130,8 +1137,6 @@ void Acci::cardiffClimbing() {
void Acci::already() {
_vm->_scrolls->display("You're already standing!");
@@ -1272,11 +1277,12 @@ void Acci::winSequence() {
void Acci::personSpeaks() {
- if ((_person == kPardon) || (_person == 0))
+ if ((_person == kPardon) || (_person == 0)) {
if ((_vm->_gyro->him == kPardon) || (_vm->_gyro->whereis[_vm->_gyro->him - 150] != _vm->_gyro->dna.room))
_person = _vm->_gyro->her;
_person = _vm->_gyro->him;
+ }
if (_vm->_gyro->whereis[_person - 150] != _vm->_gyro->dna.room) {
_vm->_scrolls->display(Common::String(_vm->_scrolls->kControlRegister) + '1' + _vm->_scrolls->kControlToBuffer); // Avvy himself!
@@ -1292,12 +1298,13 @@ void Acci::personSpeaks() {
- if (!found)
- for (byte i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+ if (!found) {
+ for (byte i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
if ((_vm->_gyro->quasipeds[i].who == _person) && (_vm->_gyro->quasipeds[i].room == _vm->_gyro->dna.room))
_vm->_scrolls->display(Common::String(_vm->_scrolls->kControlRegister) + byte(i + 65) + _vm->_scrolls->kControlToBuffer);
+ }
+ }
void Acci::heyThanks() {
_vm->_scrolls->display(Common::String("Hey, thanks!") + _vm->_scrolls->kControlSpeechBubble + "(But now, you've lost it!)");
@@ -1324,16 +1331,16 @@ void Acci::doThat() {
if ((_verb != kVerbCodeLoad) && (_verb != kVerbCodeSave) && (_verb != kVerbCodeQuit) && (_verb != kVerbCodeInfo) && (_verb != kVerbCodeHelp)
- && (_verb != kVerbCodeLarrypass) && (_verb != kVerbCodePhaon) && (_verb != kVerbCodeBoss) && (_verb != kVerbCodeCheat) && (_verb != kVerbCodeRestart) && (_verb != kVerbCodeDir)
- && (_verb != kVerbCodeScore) && (_verb != kVerbCodeHighscores) && (_verb != kVerbCodeSmartAlec)) {
- if (!_vm->_gyro->alive) {
- _vm->_scrolls->display(Common::String("You're dead, so don't talk. What are you, a ghost or something? Try restarting, or restoring a saved game!"));
- return;
- }
- if (!_vm->_gyro->dna.avvy_is_awake && (_verb != kVerbCodeDie) && (_verb != kVerbCodeExpletive) && (_verb != kVerbCodeWake)) {
- _vm->_scrolls->display("Talking in your sleep? Try waking up!");
- return;
- }
+ && (_verb != kVerbCodeLarrypass) && (_verb != kVerbCodePhaon) && (_verb != kVerbCodeBoss) && (_verb != kVerbCodeCheat) && (_verb != kVerbCodeRestart) && (_verb != kVerbCodeDir)
+ && (_verb != kVerbCodeScore) && (_verb != kVerbCodeHighscores) && (_verb != kVerbCodeSmartAlec)) {
+ if (!_vm->_gyro->alive) {
+ _vm->_scrolls->display(Common::String("You're dead, so don't talk. What are you, a ghost or something? Try restarting, or restoring a saved game!"));
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!_vm->_gyro->dna.avvy_is_awake && (_verb != kVerbCodeDie) && (_verb != kVerbCodeExpletive) && (_verb != kVerbCodeWake)) {
+ _vm->_scrolls->display("Talking in your sleep? Try waking up!");
+ return;
+ }
switch (_verb) {
@@ -1527,19 +1534,18 @@ void Acci::doThat() {
_vm->_scrolls->display("Just use the arrow keys to walk there.");
case kVerbCodeInfo: {
- _vm->_scrolls->aboutscroll = true;
- Common::String toDisplay;
- for (byte i = 0; i < 7; i++)
- toDisplay += _vm->_scrolls->kControlNewLine;
- toDisplay = toDisplay + "LORD AVALOT D'ARGENT" + _vm->_scrolls->kControlCenter + _vm->_scrolls->kControlNewLine
- + "The medi‘val descendant of" + _vm->_scrolls->kControlNewLine
- + "Denarius Avaricius Sextus" + _vm->_scrolls->kControlNewLine + _vm->_scrolls->kControlNewLine
- + "version " + _vm->_gyro->vernum + _vm->_scrolls->kControlNewLine + _vm->_scrolls->kControlNewLine + "Copyright ï "
- + _vm->_gyro->copyright + ", Mark, Mike and Thomas Thurman." + _vm->_scrolls->kControlRegister + 'Y' + _vm->_scrolls->kControlIcon;
- _vm->_scrolls->display(toDisplay);
- _vm->_scrolls->aboutscroll = false;
+ _vm->_scrolls->aboutscroll = true;
+ Common::String toDisplay;
+ for (byte i = 0; i < 7; i++)
+ toDisplay += _vm->_scrolls->kControlNewLine;
+ toDisplay = toDisplay + "LORD AVALOT D'ARGENT" + _vm->_scrolls->kControlCenter + _vm->_scrolls->kControlNewLine
+ + "The medi‘val descendant of" + _vm->_scrolls->kControlNewLine
+ + "Denarius Avaricius Sextus" + _vm->_scrolls->kControlNewLine + _vm->_scrolls->kControlNewLine
+ + "version " + _vm->_gyro->vernum + _vm->_scrolls->kControlNewLine + _vm->_scrolls->kControlNewLine + "Copyright ï "
+ + _vm->_gyro->copyright + ", Mark, Mike and Thomas Thurman." + _vm->_scrolls->kControlRegister + 'Y' + _vm->_scrolls->kControlIcon;
+ _vm->_scrolls->display(toDisplay);
+ _vm->_scrolls->aboutscroll = false;
case kVerbCodeUndress:
@@ -1635,7 +1641,7 @@ void Acci::doThat() {
} else if (holding()) {
switch (_thing) {
- case Gyro::lute : {
+ case Gyro::lute :
_vm->_visa->dixi('U', 7);
if (_vm->_gyro->whereis[_vm->_gyro->pcwytalot - 150] == _vm->_gyro->dna.room)
@@ -1643,7 +1649,6 @@ void Acci::doThat() {
if (_vm->_gyro->whereis[_vm->_gyro->pdulustie - 150] == _vm->_gyro->dna.room)
_vm->_visa->dixi('U', 15);
- }
case 52:
if (_vm->_gyro->dna.room == r__musicroom)