path: root/engines
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Diffstat (limited to 'engines')
2 files changed, 136 insertions, 141 deletions
diff --git a/engines/hopkins/graphics.cpp b/engines/hopkins/graphics.cpp
index ca2e40b9fd..c18fa352ef 100644
--- a/engines/hopkins/graphics.cpp
+++ b/engines/hopkins/graphics.cpp
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ void GraphicsManager::Cls_Video() {
void GraphicsManager::LOAD_IMAGE(const Common::String &file) {
Common::String filename = Common::String::format("%s.PCX", file.c_str());
- GraphicsManager::INIT_TABLE(165, 170, Palette);
+ INIT_TABLE(165, 170, Palette);
void GraphicsManager::CHARGE_ECRAN(const Common::String &file) {
@@ -1245,152 +1245,137 @@ void GraphicsManager::Capture_Mem(const byte *srcSurface, byte *destSurface, int
} while (yTemp != 1);
-void GraphicsManager::Sprite_Vesa(byte *surface, const byte *spriteData, int a3, int a4, int spriteIndex) {
- const byte *v5;
- int i;
- const byte *v7;
- uint16 v8;
- const byte *v9;
- int v10;
- uint16 v11;
- uint16 v12;
- uint16 v13;
- uint16 v14;
- const byte *v15;
- const byte *v16;
- const byte *v17;
- byte *v18;
- int v19;
- const byte *v20;
- const byte *v21;
- int v22;
- unsigned int v23;
- byte *v24;
- const byte *v25;
- const byte *v26;
- const byte *v27;
- byte *v28;
- byte *v29;
- int v30;
- int v31;
- v5 = spriteData + 3;
- for (i = spriteIndex; i; --i)
- v5 += READ_LE_UINT32(v5) + 16;
- v10 = 0;
- v7 = v5 + 4;
- v8 = READ_LE_UINT16(v7);
- v9 = v7 + 2;
- v10 = READ_LE_UINT16(v9);
+void GraphicsManager::Sprite_Vesa(byte *surface, const byte *spriteData, int xp, int yp, int spriteIndex) {
+ // Get a pointer to the start of the desired sprite
+ const byte *spriteP = spriteData + 3;
+ for (int i = spriteIndex; i; --i)
+ spriteP += READ_LE_UINT32(spriteP) + 16;
clip_x = 0;
clip_y = 0;
clip_flag = false;
- clip_x1 = v8;
- if ((uint16)(v8 + a3) > v8) {
- if ((uint16)a3 < (uint16)(min_x + 300)) {
- clip_x = min_x + 300 - a3;
- clip_flag = true;
- }
- if ((uint16)(v10 + (uint16)a4) > (uint16)v10) {
- if ((uint16)a4 < (uint16)(min_y + 300)) {
- clip_y = min_y + 300 - a4;
- clip_flag = true;
- }
- v11 = max_x + 300;
- if ((uint16)a3 < (uint16)(max_x + 300)) {
- if ((uint16)(v8 + a3) > v11) {
- v12 = v8 + 10 - (v8 + a3 - v11);
- if (v12 <= 10)
- return;
- clip_x1 = v12 - 10;
- clip_flag = true;
- }
- v13 = max_y + 300;
- if ((uint16)a4 < (uint16)(max_y + 300)) {
- if ((uint16)(v10 + (uint16)a4) > v13) {
- v14 = v10 + 10 - (v10 + (uint16)a4 - v13);
- if (v14 <= 10)
- return;
- v10 -= 10;
- clip_y1 = v10;
- clip_flag = true;
- }
- v15 = v9 + 6;
- v16 = v15 + 4;
- v17 = READ_LE_UINT32(v15) + v15 + 4;
- v18 = a3 + nbrligne2 * (a4 - 300) - 300 + surface;
- v19 = 0;
- if (clip_flag) {
- do {
- v31 = v10;
- v29 = v18;
- v19 = 0;
- while (*v16 != -3) {
- if (*v16 == -2) {
- v27 = v16 + 1;
- v10 = READ_LE_UINT16(v27);
- do {
- if (!clip_y && (uint16)v19 >= clip_x && (uint16)v19 < clip_x1)
- *v18 = *v17;
- ++v17;
- ++v18;
- ++v19;
- --v10;
- } while (v10);
- v16 = v27 + 2;
- } else {
- v26 = v16 + 1;
- v10 = *(uint16 *)v26;
- v18 += v10;
- v19 += v10;
- v16 = v26 + 2;
- }
- }
- if (clip_y)
- --clip_y;
- v16 += 3;
- v18 = nbrligne2 + v29;
- v10 = v31 - 1;
- } while (v31 != 1);
- } else {
- do {
- v30 = v10;
- v28 = v18;
- while (*v16 != -3) {
- if (*v16 == -2) {
- v21 = v16 + 1;
- v10 = READ_LE_UINT16(v21);
- v22 = v10;
- v23 = (unsigned int)v10 >> 2;
- memcpy(v18, v17, 4 * v23);
- v25 = (v17 + 4 * v23);
- v24 = (v18 + 4 * v23);
- v10 = v22 - 4 * v23;
- memcpy(v24, v25, v10);
- v17 = v25 + v10;
- v18 = v24 + v10;
- v10 = 0;
- v16 = v21 + 2;
- } else {
- v20 = v16 + 1;
- v10 = READ_LE_UINT16(v20);
- v18 += v10;
- v16 = v20 + 2;
- }
- }
- v16 += 3;
- v18 = nbrligne2 + v28;
- v10 = v30 - 1;
- } while (v30 != 1);
+ spriteP += 4;
+ int width = READ_LE_UINT16(spriteP);
+ spriteP += 2;
+ int height = READ_LE_UINT16(spriteP);
+ // Clip X
+ clip_x1 = width;
+ if ((xp + width) <= (min_x + 300))
+ return;
+ if (xp < (min_x + 300)) {
+ clip_x = min_x + 300 - xp;
+ clip_flag = true;
+ }
+ // Clip Y
+ // TODO: This is weird, but it's that way in the original. Original game bug?
+ if ((yp + height) <= height)
+ return;
+ if (yp < (min_y + 300)) {
+ clip_y = min_y + 300 - yp;
+ clip_flag = true;
+ }
+ // Clip X1
+ if (xp >= (max_x + 300))
+ return;
+ if ((xp + width) > (max_x + 300)) {
+ int xAmount = width + 10 - (xp + width - (max_x + 300));
+ if (xAmount <= 10)
+ return;
+ clip_x1 = xAmount - 10;
+ clip_flag = true;
+ }
+ // Clip Y1
+ if (yp >= (max_y + 300))
+ return;
+ if ((yp + height) > (max_y + 300)) {
+ int yAmount = height + 10 - (yp + height - (max_y + 300));
+ if (yAmount <= 10)
+ return;
+ clip_y1 = yAmount - 10;
+ clip_flag = true;
+ }
+ // Sprite display
+ // Set up source
+ spriteP += 6;
+ int srcOffset = READ_LE_UINT16(spriteP);
+ spriteP += 4;
+ const byte *srcP = spriteP;
+ spriteP += srcOffset;
+ // Set up surface destination
+ byte *destP = surface + (yp - 300) * nbrligne2 + (xp - 300);
+ // Handling for clipped versus non-clipped
+ if (clip_flag) {
+ // Clipped version
+ for (int yc = 0; yc < height; ++yc, destP += nbrligne2) {
+ byte *tempDestP = destP;
+ byte byteVal;
+ int xc = 0;
+ // Loop through sequences of bytes to skip or output
+ while ((byteVal = *srcP) != 253) {
+ ++srcP;
+ int width = READ_LE_UINT16(srcP);
+ if (byteVal != 254) {
+ // Skip over output bytes
+ tempDestP += width;
+ xc += width;
+ } else {
+ // Output byte range
+ while (width-- > 0) {
+ // Get the next byte
+ byteVal = *spriteP;
+ if (clip_y == 0 && xc >= clip_x && xc < clip_x1)
+ // Not clipped, so display it
+ *tempDestP = byteVal;
+ // Move to next pixel
+ xc++;
+ ++srcP;
+ ++tempDestP;
+ srcP += 2;
+ if (clip_y > 0)
+ --clip_y;
+ srcP += 3;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Non-clipped
+ for (int yc = 0; yc < height; ++yc, destP += nbrligne2) {
+ byte *tempDestP = destP;
+ byte byteVal;
+ while ((byteVal = *srcP) != 253) {
+ ++srcP;
+ int width = READ_LE_UINT16(srcP);
+ srcP += 2;
+ if (byteVal == 254) {
+ // Copy pixel range
+ Common::copy(spriteP, spriteP + width, tempDestP);
+ spriteP += width;
+ }
+ tempDestP += width;
+ }
+ // Skip over control byte and width
+ srcP += 3;
diff --git a/engines/hopkins/graphics.h b/engines/hopkins/graphics.h
index 0296acf75c..ca343cc1b4 100644
--- a/engines/hopkins/graphics.h
+++ b/engines/hopkins/graphics.h
@@ -142,7 +142,17 @@ public:
void Copy_Video_Vbe3(const byte *surface);
void Copy_Video_Vbe16(const byte *surface);
void Capture_Mem(const byte *srcSurface, byte *destSurface, int xs, int ys, unsigned int width, int height);
- void Sprite_Vesa(byte *surface, const byte *spriteData, int a3, int a4, int spriteIndex);
+ /**
+ * Draws a sprite onto the screen
+ * @param surface Destination surface
+ * @param spriteData The raw data for a sprite set
+ * @param xp X co-ordinate. For some reason, starts from 300 = first column
+ * @param yp Y co-ordinate. FOr some reason, starts from 300 = top row
+ * @param spriteIndex Index of the sprite to draw
+ */
+ void Sprite_Vesa(byte *surface, const byte *spriteData, int xp, int yp, int spriteIndex);
void FIN_VISU();
void VISU_ALL();