path: root/lure/hotspots.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lure/hotspots.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 137 deletions
diff --git a/lure/hotspots.h b/lure/hotspots.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3483522c96..0000000000
--- a/lure/hotspots.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-/* ScummVM - Scumm Interpreter
- * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 The ScummVM project
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- * $URL$
- * $Id$
- *
- */
-#ifndef __lure_hotspots_h__
-#define __lure_hotspots_h__
-#include "lure/luredefs.h"
-#include "lure/screen.h"
-#include "lure/disk.h"
-#include "lure/res_struct.h"
-namespace Lure {
-class Hotspot;
-typedef void(*HandlerMethodPtr)(Hotspot &h);
-class HotspotTickHandlers {
- static void defaultHandler(Hotspot &h);
- static void standardAnimHandler(Hotspot &h);
- static void roomExitAnimHandler(Hotspot &h);
- static void playerAnimHandler(Hotspot &h);
- static void droppingTorchAnimHandler(Hotspot &h);
- static void fireAnimHandler(Hotspot &h);
- static void headAnimationHandler(Hotspot &h);
- static HandlerMethodPtr getHandler(uint16 procOffset);
-class Hotspot {
- HotspotData *_data;
- HotspotAnimData *_anim;
- HandlerMethodPtr _tickHandler;
- Surface *_frames;
- int16 _startX, _startY;
- uint16 _height, _width;
- uint16 _numFrames;
- uint16 _frameNumber;
- uint16 _tickCtr;
- bool _persistant;
- int16 _destX, _destY;
- uint16 _destHotspotId;
- Hotspot(HotspotData *res);
- ~Hotspot();
- void setAnimation(uint16 newAnimId);
- void setAnimation(HotspotAnimData *newRecord);
- uint16 hotspotId() { return _data->hotspotId; }
- Surface &frames() { return *_frames; }
- HotspotAnimData &anim() { return *_anim; }
- HotspotData &resource() { return *_data; }
- uint16 numFrames() { return _numFrames; }
- uint16 frameNumber() { return _frameNumber; }
- void setFrameNumber(uint16 v) { _frameNumber = v; }
- void incFrameNumber();
- uint16 frameWidth() { return _width; }
- int16 x() { return _startX; }
- int16 y() { return _startY; }
- int16 destX() { return _destX; }
- int16 destY() { return _destY; }
- uint16 destHotspotId() { return _destHotspotId; }
- uint16 width() { return _width; }
- uint16 height() { return _height; }
- uint16 roomNumber() { return _data->roomNumber; }
- uint16 script() { return _data->sequenceOffset; }
- uint8 layer() { return _data->layer; }
- uint16 tickCtr() { return _tickCtr; }
- void setTickCtr(uint16 newVal) { _tickCtr = newVal; }
- void setTickProc(uint16 newVal);
- bool persistant() { return _persistant; }
- void setPersistant(bool value) { _persistant = value; }
- void setRoomNumber(uint16 roomNum) { _data->roomNumber = roomNum; }
- bool isActiveAnimation();
- void setPosition(int16 newX, int16 newY);
- void setDestPosition(int16 newX, int16 newY) { _destX = newX; _destY = newY; }
- void setSize(uint16 newWidth, uint16 newHeight);
- void setScript(uint16 offset) { _data->sequenceOffset = offset; }
- void setActions(uint32 newActions) { _data->actions = newActions; }
- void copyTo(Surface *dest);
- bool executeScript();
- void tick();
- void walkTo(int16 endPosX, int16 endPosY, uint16 destHotspot = 0, bool immediate = false);
- void setDirection(Direction dir);
- // Action set
- void doAction(Action action, HotspotData *hotspot);
- bool isRoomExit(uint16 id);
- void doGet(HotspotData *hotspot);
- void doOperate(HotspotData *hotspot, Action action);
- void doOpen(HotspotData *hotspot);
- void doClose(HotspotData *hotspot);
- void doLockUnlock(HotspotData *hotspot);
- void doUse(HotspotData *hotspot);
- void doGive(HotspotData *hotspot);
- void doTalkTo(HotspotData *hotspot);
- void doTell(HotspotData *hotspot);
- void doLook();
- void doLookAt(HotspotData *hotspot);
- void doAsk(HotspotData *hotspot);
- void doDrink();
- void doStatus();
- void doBribe(HotspotData *hotspot);
- void doExamine();
- void doSimple(HotspotData *hotspot, Action action);
-typedef ManagedList<Hotspot *> HotspotList;
-} // End of namespace Lure