path: root/saga/isomap.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'saga/isomap.cpp')
1 files changed, 199 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/saga/isomap.cpp b/saga/isomap.cpp
index 6bf742c579..9c6d527020 100644
--- a/saga/isomap.cpp
+++ b/saga/isomap.cpp
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ IsoMap::IsoMap(SagaEngine *vm) : _vm(vm) {
_viewScroll.x = (128 - 8) * 16;
_viewScroll.x = (128 - 8) * 16 - 64;
_viewDiff = 1;
void IsoMap::loadImages(const byte *resourcePointer, size_t resourceLength) {
@@ -1195,5 +1196,203 @@ void IsoMap::placeOnTileMap(const Location &start, Location &result, int16 dista
result.v() = ((vBase + bestV) << 4) + 8;
+void IsoMap::findTilePath(ActorData* actor, const Location &start, const Location &end) {
+ ActorData *other;
+ int i;
+ int16 u;
+ int16 v;
+ int16 bestDistance;
+ int16 bestU;
+ int16 bestV;
+ int16 uBase;
+ int16 vBase;
+ int16 uFinish;
+ int16 vFinish;
+ TilePoint tilePoint;
+ uint16 dir;
+ int16 dist;
+ uint16 terraComp[8];
+ const TilePoint *tdir;
+ uint16 terrainMask;
+ const PathCell *pcell;
+ byte *res;
+ bestDistance = SAGA_SEARCH_DIAMETER;
+ uBase = (start.u() >> 4) - SAGA_SEARCH_CENTER;
+ vBase = (start.v() >> 4) - SAGA_SEARCH_CENTER;
+ uFinish = (end.u() >> 4) - uBase;
+ vFinish = (end.v() >> 4) - vBase;
+ _platformHeight = _vm->_actor->_protagonist->location.z / 8;
+ memset( &_searchArray, 0, sizeof(_searchArray));
+ if (!(actor->actorFlags & kActorNoCollide) &&
+ (_vm->_scene->currentSceneNumber() != RID_ITE_OVERMAP_SCENE)) {
+ for (i = 0; i < _vm->_actor->_actorsCount; i++) {
+ other = _vm->_actor->_actors[i];
+ if (other->disabled) continue;
+ if (other->sceneNumber != _vm->_scene->currentSceneNumber()) continue;
+ if (other==actor) continue;
+ u = (other->location.u() >> 4) - uBase;
+ v = (other->location.v() >> 4) - vBase;
+ if ((u >= 1) && (u < SAGA_SEARCH_DIAMETER) &&
+ (v >= 1) && (v < SAGA_SEARCH_DIAMETER) &&
+ _searchArray.getPathCell(u, v)->visited = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _queueCount = 0;
+ while (_queueCount > 0) {
+ _queueCount--;
+ tilePoint = *_searchArray.getQueue(_queueCount);
+ if (tilePoint.cost > 100 && actor == _vm->_actor->_protagonist) continue;
+ dist = ABS(tilePoint.u - uFinish) + ABS(tilePoint.v - vFinish);
+ if (dist < bestDistance) {
+ bestU = tilePoint.u;
+ bestV = tilePoint.v;
+ bestDistance = dist;
+ if (dist == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ testPossibleDirections(uBase + tilePoint.u, vBase + tilePoint.v, terraComp,
+ (tilePoint.u == SAGA_SEARCH_CENTER && tilePoint.v == SAGA_SEARCH_CENTER));
+ for (dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) {
+ terrainMask = terraComp[dir];
+ if (terrainMask & SAGA_IMPASSABLE) {
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ if(terrainMask & (1 << kTerrRough)) {
+ tdir = &hardDirTable[ dir ];
+ } else {
+ if(terrainMask & (1 << kTerrNone)) {
+ tdir = &normalDirTable[ dir ];
+ } else {
+ tdir = &easyDirTable[ dir ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pushPoint(tilePoint.u + tdir->u, tilePoint.v + tdir->v, tilePoint.cost + tdir->cost, dir);
+ }
+ }
+ res = &_pathDirections[SAGA_MAX_PATH_DIRECTIONS];
+ i = 0;
+ while ((bestU != SAGA_SEARCH_CENTER) || (bestV != SAGA_SEARCH_CENTER)) {
+ pcell = _searchArray.getPathCell(bestU, bestV);
+ *--res = pcell->direction;
+ i++;
+ break;
+ }
+ dir = (pcell->direction + 4) & 0x07;
+ bestU += normalDirTable[dir].u;
+ bestV += normalDirTable[dir].v;
+ }
+ if (i > 64) {
+ i = 64;
+ }
+ actor->walkStepsCount = i;
+ if (i) {
+ if (actor->tileDirectionsAlloced < i) {
+ actor->tileDirectionsAlloced = i;
+ actor->tileDirections = (byte*)realloc(actor->tileDirections, actor->tileDirectionsAlloced * sizeof(*actor->tileDirections));
+ }
+ memcpy(actor->tileDirections, res, i );
+ }
+static const int16 directions[8][2] = {
+ { 16, 16},
+ { 16, 0},
+ { 16, -16},
+ { 0, -16},
+ { -16, -16},
+ { -16, 0},
+ { -16, 16},
+ { 0, 16}
+bool IsoMap::nextTileTarget(ActorData* actor) {
+ uint16 dir;
+ if (actor->walkStepIndex >= actor->walkStepsCount) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ actor->actionDirection = dir = actor->tileDirections[actor->walkStepIndex++];
+ actor->partialTarget.u() =
+ (actor->location.u() & ~0x0f) + 8 + directions[dir][0];
+ actor->partialTarget.v() =
+ (actor->location.v() & ~0x0f) + 8 + directions[dir][1];
+ if (dir == 0) {
+ actor->facingDirection = kDirUp;
+ } else {
+ if (dir == 4) {
+ actor->facingDirection = kDirDown;
+ } else {
+ if (dir < 4) {
+ actor->facingDirection = kDirRight;
+ } else {
+ actor->facingDirection = kDirLeft;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+void IsoMap::screenPointToTileCoords(const Point &position, Location &location) {
+ Point mPos(position);
+ int x,y;
+ if (_vm->_scene->currentSceneNumber() == RID_ITE_OVERMAP_SCENE){
+ if (mPos.y < 16) {
+ mPos.y = 16;
+ }
+ }
+ x = mPos.x + _viewScroll.x - (128 * SAGA_TILEMAP_W) - 16;
+ y = mPos.y + _viewScroll.y - (128 * SAGA_TILEMAP_W) + _vm->_actor->_protagonist->location.z;
+ location.u() = (x - y * 2) >> 1;
+ location.v() = - (x + y * 2) >> 1;
+ location.z = _vm->_actor->_protagonist->location.z;
} // End of namespace Saga