path: root/src/graphics.c
diff options
authoraliaspider2015-11-04 18:17:04 +0100
committeraliaspider2015-11-04 18:17:04 +0100
commitd2100979fd519b40c61dbdc6808120755513c88a (patch)
tree44df448bc43815273f6ceb8a8d33aab6291eb80f /src/graphics.c
parent0e70c7f861ed41b86be891882d08cd0fa0530d55 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/graphics.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 316 deletions
diff --git a/src/graphics.c b/src/graphics.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 50cb0ce..0000000
--- a/src/graphics.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
- Simple graphic handling library
- Under GPL v2 License
- 2011 by bitrider
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "graphics.h"
-static int clipping_x1 = 0;
-static int clipping_x2 = SCREEN_WIDTH - 1;
-static int clipping_y1 = 0;
-static int clipping_y2 = SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1;
-void gSetClipping(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
- if (x1 < 0) x1 = 0;
- if (x1 > (SCREEN_WIDTH -1)) x1 = (SCREEN_WIDTH -1);
- if (x2 < 0) x2 = 0;
- if (x2 > (SCREEN_WIDTH -1)) x2 = (SCREEN_WIDTH -1);
- if (y1 < 0) y1 = 0;
- if (y1 > (SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1)) y1 = (SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1);
- if (y2 < 0) y2 = 0;
- if (y2 > (SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1)) y2 = (SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1);
- if (x1 < x2) {
- clipping_x1 = x1;
- clipping_x2 = x2;
- } else {
- clipping_x2 = x1;
- clipping_x1 = x2;
- }
- if (y1 < y2) {
- clipping_y1 = y1;
- clipping_y2 = y2;
- } else {
- clipping_y2 = y1;
- clipping_y1 = y2;
- }
-void gClearClipping() {
- clipping_x1 = 0;
- clipping_y1 = 0;
- clipping_x2 = SCREEN_WIDTH - 1;
- clipping_y2 = SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1;
-void gDestroyBitmap(gBITMAP *img) {
- if (img) {
- free(img->data);
- free(img);
- }
-gBITMAP *gCreateBitmap(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned char bpp) {
- gBITMAP *img;
- if (bpp != 32) return NULL; // supported BPPs
- if ((!width) || (!height)) return NULL;
- img = malloc(sizeof(gBITMAP));
- if (!img) return NULL;
- img->bpp = bpp;
- img->w = width;
- img->h = height;
- img->data = malloc(width * height * (bpp >> 3));
- if (!img->data) {
- free(img);
- return NULL;
- }
- return img;
-void gDrawPixel16(unsigned short *screen, int x, int y, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b) {
- unsigned int sr, sg, sb;
- unsigned short pixel;
- if ((x < clipping_x1) || (x > clipping_x2) || (y < clipping_y1) || (y > clipping_y2)) return;
- // blend
- screen[y * SCREEN_WIDTH + x] = RGB16(r, g, b);
-void gBlendPixel16(unsigned short *screen, int x, int y, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b, unsigned char a) {
- unsigned int sr, sg, sb;
- unsigned short pixel;
- if ((x < clipping_x1) || (x > clipping_x2) || (y < clipping_y1) || (y > clipping_y2)) return;
- // get screen pixel
- pixel = screen[y * SCREEN_WIDTH + x];
- sr = PIXEL16_R(pixel); //((pixel >> 11) << 3);
- sg = PIXEL16_G(pixel); //((pixel >> 5) & 63) << 2;
- sb = PIXEL16_B(pixel); //(pixel & 31) << 3;
- // blend
- screen[y * SCREEN_WIDTH + x] = RGB16(BLEND(r, a, sr), BLEND(g, a, sg), BLEND(b, a, sb));
-void gBlendBitmap16(unsigned short *screen, int sx, int sy, gBITMAP *img, unsigned int ix, unsigned int iy, unsigned int iw, unsigned int ih) {
- int ssx;
- unsigned int sw, ijmp, sjmp;
- unsigned char *iaddr;
- unsigned int pixel;
- if ((!img) || (!img->data)) return; // sanity check
- if (img->bpp != 32) return; // supported BPPs
- if ((sx > clipping_x2) || (sy > clipping_y2) ||
- ((sx + iw - 1) < clipping_x1) || ((sy + ih - 1) < clipping_y1)) return; // Out of screen
- // Image dimensions
- if ((iw + ix) > img->w) iw = img->w - ix;
- if ((ih + iy) > img->h) ih = img->h - iy;
- // Clipping
- if (sx < clipping_x1) {
- iw -= clipping_x1 - sx;
- sx = clipping_x1;
- }
- if (sy < clipping_y1) {
- ih -= clipping_y1 - sy;
- sy = clipping_y1;
- }
- if ((sx + iw - 1) > clipping_x2) iw -= (sx + iw - 1) - clipping_x2;
- if ((sy + ih - 1) > clipping_y2) ih -= (sy + ih - 1) - clipping_y2;
- ssx = sx;
- sw = iw;
- ijmp = (img->w - iw) * (img->bpp >> 3);
- iaddr = &img->data[(iy * img->w + ix) * 4 + 0];
- sjmp = SCREEN_WIDTH - iw;
- screen = &screen[sy * SCREEN_WIDTH + sx];
- for (; (ih > 0); ih--, iaddr += ijmp, screen += sjmp) {
- for (iw = sw; (iw > 0); iw--, iaddr += 4, screen++) {
- // blend
- pixel = *((unsigned int *)iaddr);
- /*
- *screen = RGB16(BLEND(iaddr[0], iaddr[3], PIXEL16_R(*screen)),
- BLEND(iaddr[1], iaddr[3], PIXEL16_G(*screen)),
- BLEND(iaddr[2], iaddr[3], PIXEL16_B(*screen)));
- */
- *screen = RGB16(BLEND(PIXEL32_R(pixel), PIXEL32_A(pixel), PIXEL16_R(*screen)),
- BLEND(PIXEL32_G(pixel), PIXEL32_A(pixel), PIXEL16_G(*screen)),
- BLEND(PIXEL32_B(pixel), PIXEL32_A(pixel), PIXEL16_B(*screen)));
- }
- }
-void gDrawBitmap16(unsigned short *screen, int sx, int sy, gBITMAP *img, unsigned int ix, unsigned int iy, unsigned int iw, unsigned int ih) {
- int ssx;
- unsigned int sw, ijmp, sjmp;
- unsigned char *iaddr;
- unsigned short pixel;
- if ((!img) || (!img->data)) return; // sanity check
- if ((img->bpp != 32) || (img->bpp != 32)) return; // supported BPPs
- if ((sx > clipping_x2) || (sy > clipping_y2) ||
- ((sx + iw - 1) < clipping_x1) || ((sy + ih - 1) < clipping_y1)) return; // Out of screen
- // Image dimensions
- if ((iw + ix) > img->w) iw = img->w - ix;
- if ((ih + iy) > img->h) ih = img->h - iy;
- // Clipping
- if (sx < clipping_x1) {
- iw -= clipping_x1 - sx;
- sx = clipping_x1;
- }
- if (sy < clipping_y1) {
- ih -= clipping_y1 - sy;
- sy = clipping_y1;
- }
- if ((sx + iw - 1) > clipping_x2) iw -= (sx + iw - 1) - clipping_x2;
- if ((sy + ih - 1) > clipping_y2) ih -= (sy + ih - 1) - clipping_y2;
- ssx = sx;
- sw = iw;
- ijmp = (img->w - iw) * (img->bpp >> 3);
- iaddr = &img->data[(iy * img->w + ix) * (img->bpp >> 3) + 0];
- sjmp = SCREEN_WIDTH - iw;
- screen = &screen[sy * SCREEN_WIDTH + sx];
- switch (img->bpp) {
- case 32:
- for (; (ih > 0); ih--, iaddr += ijmp, screen += sjmp) {
- for (iw = sw; (iw > 0); iw--, iaddr += 4, screen++) {
- *screen = RGB16(iaddr[0], iaddr[1], iaddr[2]);
- }
- }
- break;
- case 16:
- for (; (ih > 0); ih--, iaddr += ijmp, screen += sjmp) {
- for (iw = sw; (iw > 0); iw--, iaddr += 2) {
- *screen++ = *(unsigned short *)iaddr;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
-void gDrawScaledBitmap16(unsigned short *screen, int sx, int sy, gBITMAP *img, unsigned int iw, unsigned int ih) {
- int dx, dy;
- int x , y, fp_x, w, h;
- unsigned int *addr;
- unsigned int pixel;
- if ((!img) || (!img->data)) return; // sanity check
- if ((img->bpp != 32) || (img->bpp != 32)) return; // supported BPPs
- #define FP 10
- dx = (img->w << FP) / iw;
- dy = (img->h << FP) / ih;
- if (w > iw) w = iw;
- if (h > ih) h = ih;
- for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
- addr = &((unsigned int *)img->data)[img->w * ((y * dy) >> FP)];
- for (x = 0, fp_x = 0; x < w ; x++, fp_x += dx) {
- pixel = addr[fp_x >> FP];
- gDrawPixel16(screen, sx+x, sy+y, PIXEL32_R(pixel), PIXEL32_G(pixel), PIXEL32_B(pixel));
- }
- }
-gBITMAP *gStretchBitmap(gBITMAP *img, unsigned int iw, unsigned int ih) {
- int dx, dy;
- int x , y, fp_x, fx, w, h;
- unsigned int *srcCurLineAddr, *srcPrevLineAddr, *srcNextLineAddr;
- unsigned int *dstAddr;
- unsigned int pixel, r, g, b, a, div;
- gBITMAP *toBmp;
- if ((!img) || (!img->data)) return NULL; // sanity check
- if ((img->bpp != 32) || (img->bpp != 32)) return NULL; // supported BPPs
- toBmp = gCreateBitmap(iw, ih, img->bpp);
- if (!toBmp) return NULL;
- #define FP 10
- dx = (img->w << FP) / iw;
- dy = (img->h << FP) / ih;
- w = img->w;
- if (w > iw) w = iw;
- h = img->h;
- if (h > ih) h = ih;
- for (y = 0; y < ih; y++) {
- // Current line
- srcCurLineAddr = &((unsigned int *)img->data)[img->w * ((y * dy) >> FP)];
- // Previous line
- if (y == 0) srcPrevLineAddr = NULL;
- else srcPrevLineAddr = &((unsigned int *)img->data)[img->w * (((y * dy) - 1) >> FP)];
- // Next line
- if ((((y * dy) + 1) >> FP) >= img->h) srcNextLineAddr = NULL;
- else srcNextLineAddr = &((unsigned int *)img->data)[img->w * (((y * dy) + 1) >> FP)];
- // Destination
- dstAddr = &((unsigned int*)toBmp->data)[toBmp->w * y];
- for (x = 0, fp_x = 0; x < iw ; x++, fp_x += dx) {
- // Current line
- div = 4;
- fx = fp_x >> FP;
- pixel = srcCurLineAddr[fx];
- r = PIXEL32_R(pixel) * 4;
- g = PIXEL32_G(pixel) * 4;
- b = PIXEL32_B(pixel) * 4;
- a = PIXEL32_A(pixel) * 4;
-#define INCLUDE_PIXEL(p) \
- {\
- pixel = p;\
- r += PIXEL32_R(pixel);\
- g += PIXEL32_G(pixel);\
- b += PIXEL32_B(pixel);\
- a += PIXEL32_A(pixel);\
- div++;\
- }
- if (fx > 0) INCLUDE_PIXEL(srcCurLineAddr[fx - 1]);
- if ((fx + 1) < img->w) INCLUDE_PIXEL(srcCurLineAddr[fx + 1]);
- // Previous line
- if (srcPrevLineAddr) {
- INCLUDE_PIXEL(srcPrevLineAddr[fx]);
- if (fx > 0) INCLUDE_PIXEL(srcPrevLineAddr[fx - 1]);
- if ((fx + 1) < img->w) INCLUDE_PIXEL(srcPrevLineAddr[fx + 1]);
- }
- // Next line
- if (srcNextLineAddr) {
- INCLUDE_PIXEL(srcNextLineAddr[fx]);
- if (fx > 0) INCLUDE_PIXEL(srcNextLineAddr[fx - 1]);
- if ((fx + 1) < img->w) INCLUDE_PIXEL(srcNextLineAddr[fx + 1]);
- }
- dstAddr[x] = RGB32(r/div, g/div, b/div, a/div);
- }
- }
- return toBmp;
-void gClearScreen(unsigned short *screen, unsigned short color) {
- int x, y;
- for (y = 0; y < SCREEN_HEIGHT; y++)
- for (x = 0; x < SCREEN_WIDTH; x++) {
- screen[y * SCREEN_WIDTH + x] = color;
- }