path: root/audio/softsynth/mt32/srchelper/srctools/src
diff options
authorWillem Jan Palenstijn2017-02-27 12:32:06 +0100
committerWillem Jan Palenstijn2017-02-28 18:40:04 +0100
commit867511d2d0a5d063e37b07115b8b98f5930d415b (patch)
tree2fd96da5f26b8320b8c3524a2acb20f37c59e61c /audio/softsynth/mt32/srchelper/srctools/src
parente2a72393d298a5c338e55b73ae910c9ef4e1b45e (diff)
MT32: Update Munt to 2.0.3
This update uses upstream commit 777c51cdb4dbb4e02a53c23edea9086f0b600e26. The new SampleRateConverter is added, but not built as we don't use it. Also, building it without source changes will need additional include directories. This update of Munt reduces the stack size, and thus fixes bug #9630.
Diffstat (limited to 'audio/softsynth/mt32/srchelper/srctools/src')
5 files changed, 672 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/audio/softsynth/mt32/srchelper/srctools/src/FIRResampler.cpp b/audio/softsynth/mt32/srchelper/srctools/src/FIRResampler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2cded0c3d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/softsynth/mt32/srchelper/srctools/src/FIRResampler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Sergey V. Mikayev
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstring>
+#include "FIRResampler.h"
+using namespace SRCTools;
+FIRResampler::Constants::Constants(const unsigned int upsampleFactor, const double downsampleFactor, const FIRCoefficient kernel[], const unsigned int kernelLength) {
+ usePhaseInterpolation = downsampleFactor != floor(downsampleFactor);
+ FIRCoefficient *kernelCopy = new FIRCoefficient[kernelLength];
+ memcpy(kernelCopy, kernel, kernelLength * sizeof(FIRCoefficient));
+ taps = kernelCopy;
+ numberOfTaps = kernelLength;
+ numberOfPhases = upsampleFactor;
+ phaseIncrement = downsampleFactor;
+ unsigned int minDelayLineLength = static_cast<unsigned int>(ceil(double(kernelLength) / upsampleFactor));
+ unsigned int delayLineLength = 2;
+ while (delayLineLength < minDelayLineLength) delayLineLength <<= 1;
+ delayLineMask = delayLineLength - 1;
+ ringBuffer = new FloatSample[delayLineLength][FIR_INTERPOLATOR_CHANNEL_COUNT];
+ FloatSample *s = *ringBuffer;
+ FloatSample *e = ringBuffer[delayLineLength];
+ while (s < e) *(s++) = 0;
+FIRResampler::FIRResampler(const unsigned int upsampleFactor, const double downsampleFactor, const FIRCoefficient kernel[], const unsigned int kernelLength) :
+ constants(upsampleFactor, downsampleFactor, kernel, kernelLength),
+ ringBufferPosition(0),
+ phase(constants.numberOfPhases)
+FIRResampler::~FIRResampler() {
+ delete[] constants.ringBuffer;
+ delete[] constants.taps;
+void FIRResampler::process(const FloatSample *&inSamples, unsigned int &inLength, FloatSample *&outSamples, unsigned int &outLength) {
+ while (outLength > 0) {
+ while (needNextInSample()) {
+ if (inLength == 0) return;
+ addInSamples(inSamples);
+ --inLength;
+ }
+ getOutSamplesStereo(outSamples);
+ --outLength;
+ }
+unsigned int FIRResampler::estimateInLength(const unsigned int outLength) const {
+ return static_cast<unsigned int>((outLength * constants.phaseIncrement + phase) / constants.numberOfPhases);
+bool FIRResampler::needNextInSample() const {
+ return constants.numberOfPhases <= phase;
+void FIRResampler::addInSamples(const FloatSample *&inSamples) {
+ ringBufferPosition = (ringBufferPosition - 1) & constants.delayLineMask;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < FIR_INTERPOLATOR_CHANNEL_COUNT; i++) {
+ constants.ringBuffer[ringBufferPosition][i] = *(inSamples++);
+ }
+ phase -= constants.numberOfPhases;
+// Optimised for processing stereo interleaved streams
+void FIRResampler::getOutSamplesStereo(FloatSample *&outSamples) {
+ FloatSample leftSample = 0.0;
+ FloatSample rightSample = 0.0;
+ unsigned int delaySampleIx = ringBufferPosition;
+ if (constants.usePhaseInterpolation) {
+ double phaseFraction = phase - floor(phase);
+ unsigned int maxTapIx = phaseFraction == 0 ? constants.numberOfTaps : constants.numberOfTaps - 1;
+ for (unsigned int tapIx = static_cast<unsigned int>(phase); tapIx < maxTapIx; tapIx += constants.numberOfPhases) {
+ FIRCoefficient tap = FIRCoefficient(constants.taps[tapIx] + (constants.taps[tapIx + 1] - constants.taps[tapIx]) * phaseFraction);
+ leftSample += tap * constants.ringBuffer[delaySampleIx][0];
+ rightSample += tap * constants.ringBuffer[delaySampleIx][1];
+ delaySampleIx = (delaySampleIx + 1) & constants.delayLineMask;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Optimised for rational resampling ratios when phase is always integer
+ for (unsigned int tapIx = static_cast<unsigned int>(phase); tapIx < constants.numberOfTaps; tapIx += constants.numberOfPhases) {
+ FIRCoefficient tap = constants.taps[tapIx];
+ leftSample += tap * constants.ringBuffer[delaySampleIx][0];
+ rightSample += tap * constants.ringBuffer[delaySampleIx][1];
+ delaySampleIx = (delaySampleIx + 1) & constants.delayLineMask;
+ }
+ }
+ *(outSamples++) = leftSample;
+ *(outSamples++) = rightSample;
+ phase += constants.phaseIncrement;
diff --git a/audio/softsynth/mt32/srchelper/srctools/src/IIR2xResampler.cpp b/audio/softsynth/mt32/srchelper/srctools/src/IIR2xResampler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..061006a1e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/softsynth/mt32/srchelper/srctools/src/IIR2xResampler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Sergey V. Mikayev
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#include <cstddef>
+#include "IIR2xResampler.h"
+namespace SRCTools {
+ // Avoid denormals degrading performance, using biased input
+ static const BufferedSample BIAS = 1e-35f;
+ // Sharp elliptic filter with symmetric ripple: N=18, Ap=As=-106 dB, fp=0.238, fs = 0.25 (in terms of sample rate)
+ static const IIRCoefficient FIR_BEST = 0.0014313792470984f;
+ static const IIRSection SECTIONS_BEST[] = {
+ { 2.85800356692148000f,-0.2607342682253230f,-0.602478421807085f, 0.109823442522145f },
+ { -4.39519408383016000f, 1.4651975326003500f,-0.533817668127954f, 0.226045921792036f },
+ { 0.86638550740991800f,-2.1053851417898500f,-0.429134968401065f, 0.403512574222174f },
+ { 1.67161485530774000f, 0.7963595880494520f,-0.324989203363446f, 0.580756666711889f },
+ { -1.19962759276471000f, 0.5873595178851540f,-0.241486447489019f, 0.724264899930934f },
+ { 0.01631779946479250f,-0.6282334739461620f,-0.182766025706656f, 0.827774001858882f },
+ { 0.28404415859352400f, 0.1038619997715160f,-0.145276649558926f, 0.898510501923554f },
+ { -0.08105788424234910f, 0.0781551578108934f,-0.123965846623366f, 0.947105257601873f },
+ { -0.00872608905948005f,-0.0222098231712466f,-0.115056854360748f, 0.983542001125711f }
+ };
+ // Average elliptic filter with symmetric ripple: N=12, Ap=As=-106 dB, fp=0.193, fs = 0.25 (in terms of sample rate)
+ static const IIRCoefficient FIR_GOOD = 0.000891054570268146f;
+ static const IIRSection SECTIONS_GOOD[] = {
+ { 2.2650157226725700f,-0.4034180565140230f,-0.750061486095301f, 0.157801404511953f },
+ { -3.2788261989161700f, 1.3952152147542600f,-0.705854270206788f, 0.265564985645774f },
+ { 0.4397975114813240f,-1.3957634748753100f,-0.639718853965265f, 0.435324134360315f },
+ { 0.9827040216680520f, 0.1837182774040940f,-0.578569965618418f, 0.615205557837542f },
+ { -0.3759752818621670f, 0.3266073609399490f,-0.540913588637109f, 0.778264420176574f },
+ { -0.0253548089519618f,-0.0925779221603846f,-0.537704370375240f, 0.925800083252964f }
+ };
+ // Fast elliptic filter with symmetric ripple: N=8, Ap=As=-99 dB, fp=0.125, fs = 0.25 (in terms of sample rate)
+ static const IIRCoefficient FIR_FAST = 0.000882837778745889f;
+ static const IIRSection SECTIONS_FAST[] = {
+ { 1.215377077431620f,-0.35864455030878000f,-0.972220718789242f, 0.252934735930620f },
+ { -1.525654419254140f, 0.86784918631245500f,-0.977713689358124f, 0.376580616703668f },
+ { 0.136094441564220f,-0.50414116798010400f,-1.007004471865290f, 0.584048854845331f },
+ { 0.180604082285806f,-0.00467624342403851f,-1.093486919012100f, 0.844904524843996f }
+ };
+ static inline BufferedSample calcNumerator(const IIRSection &section, const BufferedSample buffer1, const BufferedSample buffer2) {
+ return section.num1 * buffer1 + section.num2 * buffer2;
+ }
+ static inline BufferedSample calcDenominator(const IIRSection &section, const BufferedSample input, const BufferedSample buffer1, const BufferedSample buffer2) {
+ return input - section.den1 * buffer1 - section.den2 * buffer2;
+ }
+} // namespace SRCTools
+using namespace SRCTools;
+double IIRResampler::getPassbandFractionForQuality(Quality quality) {
+ switch (quality) {
+ case FAST:
+ return 0.5;
+ case GOOD:
+ return 0.7708;
+ case BEST:
+ return 0.9524;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+IIRResampler::Constants::Constants(const unsigned int useSectionsCount, const IIRCoefficient useFIR, const IIRSection useSections[], const Quality quality) {
+ if (quality == CUSTOM) {
+ sectionsCount = useSectionsCount;
+ fir = useFIR;
+ sections = useSections;
+ } else {
+ unsigned int sectionsSize;
+ switch (quality) {
+ case FAST:
+ fir = FIR_FAST;
+ sections = SECTIONS_FAST;
+ sectionsSize = sizeof(SECTIONS_FAST);
+ break;
+ case GOOD:
+ fir = FIR_GOOD;
+ sections = SECTIONS_GOOD;
+ sectionsSize = sizeof(SECTIONS_GOOD);
+ break;
+ case BEST:
+ fir = FIR_BEST;
+ sections = SECTIONS_BEST;
+ sectionsSize = sizeof(SECTIONS_BEST);
+ break;
+ default:
+ sectionsSize = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ sectionsCount = (sectionsSize / sizeof(IIRSection));
+ }
+ const unsigned int delayLineSize = IIR_RESAMPER_CHANNEL_COUNT * sectionsCount;
+ buffer = new SectionBuffer[delayLineSize];
+ BufferedSample *s = buffer[0];
+ BufferedSample *e = buffer[delayLineSize];
+ while (s < e) *(s++) = 0;
+IIRResampler::IIRResampler(const Quality quality) :
+ constants(0, 0.0f, NULL, quality)
+IIRResampler::IIRResampler(const unsigned int useSectionsCount, const IIRCoefficient useFIR, const IIRSection useSections[]) :
+ constants(useSectionsCount, useFIR, useSections, IIRResampler::CUSTOM)
+IIRResampler::~IIRResampler() {
+ delete[] constants.buffer;
+IIR2xInterpolator::IIR2xInterpolator(const Quality quality) :
+ IIRResampler(quality),
+ phase()
+ for (unsigned int chIx = 0; chIx < IIR_RESAMPER_CHANNEL_COUNT; ++chIx) {
+ lastInputSamples[chIx] = 0;
+ }
+IIR2xInterpolator::IIR2xInterpolator(const unsigned int useSectionsCount, const IIRCoefficient useFIR, const IIRSection useSections[]) :
+ IIRResampler(useSectionsCount, useFIR, useSections),
+ phase()
+ for (unsigned int chIx = 0; chIx < IIR_RESAMPER_CHANNEL_COUNT; ++chIx) {
+ lastInputSamples[chIx] = 0;
+ }
+void IIR2xInterpolator::process(const FloatSample *&inSamples, unsigned int &inLength, FloatSample *&outSamples, unsigned int &outLength) {
+ static const IIRCoefficient INTERPOLATOR_AMP = 2.0;
+ while (outLength > 0 && inLength > 0) {
+ SectionBuffer *bufferp = constants.buffer;
+ for (unsigned int chIx = 0; chIx < IIR_RESAMPER_CHANNEL_COUNT; ++chIx) {
+ const FloatSample lastInputSample = lastInputSamples[chIx];
+ const FloatSample inSample = inSamples[chIx];
+ BufferedSample tmpOut = phase == 0 ? 0 : inSample * constants.fir;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < constants.sectionsCount; ++i) {
+ const IIRSection &section = constants.sections[i];
+ SectionBuffer &buffer = *bufferp;
+ // For 2x interpolation, calculation of the numerator reduces to a single multiplication depending on the phase.
+ if (phase == 0) {
+ const BufferedSample numOutSample = section.num1 * lastInputSample;
+ const BufferedSample denOutSample = calcDenominator(section, BIAS + numOutSample, buffer[0], buffer[1]);
+ buffer[1] = denOutSample;
+ tmpOut += denOutSample;
+ } else {
+ const BufferedSample numOutSample = section.num2 * lastInputSample;
+ const BufferedSample denOutSample = calcDenominator(section, BIAS + numOutSample, buffer[1], buffer[0]);
+ buffer[0] = denOutSample;
+ tmpOut += denOutSample;
+ }
+ bufferp++;
+ }
+ *(outSamples++) = FloatSample(INTERPOLATOR_AMP * tmpOut);
+ if (phase > 0) {
+ lastInputSamples[chIx] = inSample;
+ }
+ }
+ outLength--;
+ if (phase > 0) {
+ inLength--;
+ phase = 0;
+ } else {
+ phase = 1;
+ }
+ }
+unsigned int IIR2xInterpolator::estimateInLength(const unsigned int outLength) const {
+ return outLength >> 1;
+IIR2xDecimator::IIR2xDecimator(const Quality quality) :
+ IIRResampler(quality)
+IIR2xDecimator::IIR2xDecimator(const unsigned int useSectionsCount, const IIRCoefficient useFIR, const IIRSection useSections[]) :
+ IIRResampler(useSectionsCount, useFIR, useSections)
+void IIR2xDecimator::process(const FloatSample *&inSamples, unsigned int &inLength, FloatSample *&outSamples, unsigned int &outLength) {
+ while (outLength > 0 && inLength > 1) {
+ SectionBuffer *bufferp = constants.buffer;
+ for (unsigned int chIx = 0; chIx < IIR_RESAMPER_CHANNEL_COUNT; ++chIx) {
+ BufferedSample tmpOut = inSamples[chIx] * constants.fir;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < constants.sectionsCount; ++i) {
+ const IIRSection &section = constants.sections[i];
+ SectionBuffer &buffer = *bufferp;
+ // For 2x decimation, calculation of the numerator is not performed for odd output samples which are to be omitted.
+ tmpOut += calcNumerator(section, buffer[0], buffer[1]);
+ buffer[1] = calcDenominator(section, BIAS + inSamples[chIx], buffer[0], buffer[1]);
+ buffer[0] = calcDenominator(section, BIAS + inSamples[chIx + IIR_RESAMPER_CHANNEL_COUNT], buffer[1], buffer[0]);
+ bufferp++;
+ }
+ *(outSamples++) = FloatSample(tmpOut);
+ }
+ outLength--;
+ inLength -= 2;
+ }
+unsigned int IIR2xDecimator::estimateInLength(const unsigned int outLength) const {
+ return outLength << 1;
diff --git a/audio/softsynth/mt32/srchelper/srctools/src/LinearResampler.cpp b/audio/softsynth/mt32/srchelper/srctools/src/LinearResampler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98b9c77c73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/softsynth/mt32/srchelper/srctools/src/LinearResampler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Sergey V. Mikayev
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#include "LinearResampler.h"
+using namespace SRCTools;
+LinearResampler::LinearResampler(double sourceSampleRate, double targetSampleRate) :
+ inputToOutputRatio(sourceSampleRate / targetSampleRate),
+ position(1.0) // Preload delay line which effectively makes resampler zero phase
+void LinearResampler::process(const FloatSample *&inSamples, unsigned int &inLength, FloatSample *&outSamples, unsigned int &outLength) {
+ if (inLength == 0) return;
+ while (outLength > 0) {
+ while (1.0 <= position) {
+ position--;
+ inLength--;
+ for (unsigned int chIx = 0; chIx < LINEAR_RESAMPER_CHANNEL_COUNT; ++chIx) {
+ lastInputSamples[chIx] = *(inSamples++);
+ }
+ if (inLength == 0) return;
+ }
+ for (unsigned int chIx = 0; chIx < LINEAR_RESAMPER_CHANNEL_COUNT; chIx++) {
+ *(outSamples++) = FloatSample(lastInputSamples[chIx] + position * (inSamples[chIx] - lastInputSamples[chIx]));
+ }
+ outLength--;
+ position += inputToOutputRatio;
+ }
+unsigned int LinearResampler::estimateInLength(const unsigned int outLength) const {
+ return static_cast<unsigned int>(outLength * inputToOutputRatio);
diff --git a/audio/softsynth/mt32/srchelper/srctools/src/ResamplerModel.cpp b/audio/softsynth/mt32/srchelper/srctools/src/ResamplerModel.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4d2d930837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/softsynth/mt32/srchelper/srctools/src/ResamplerModel.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Sergey V. Mikayev
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstddef>
+#include "ResamplerModel.h"
+#include "ResamplerStage.h"
+#include "SincResampler.h"
+#include "IIR2xResampler.h"
+#include "LinearResampler.h"
+namespace SRCTools {
+namespace ResamplerModel {
+static const unsigned int CHANNEL_COUNT = 2;
+static const unsigned int MAX_SAMPLES_PER_RUN = 4096;
+class CascadeStage : public FloatSampleProvider {
+friend void freeResamplerModel(FloatSampleProvider &model, FloatSampleProvider &source);
+ CascadeStage(FloatSampleProvider &source, ResamplerStage &resamplerStage);
+ void getOutputSamples(FloatSample *outBuffer, unsigned int size);
+ ResamplerStage &resamplerStage;
+ FloatSampleProvider &source;
+ const FloatSample *bufferPtr;
+ unsigned int size;
+class InternalResamplerCascadeStage : public CascadeStage {
+ InternalResamplerCascadeStage(FloatSampleProvider &useSource, ResamplerStage &useResamplerStage) :
+ CascadeStage(useSource, useResamplerStage)
+ {}
+ ~InternalResamplerCascadeStage() {
+ delete &resamplerStage;
+ }
+} // namespace ResamplerModel
+} // namespace SRCTools
+using namespace SRCTools;
+FloatSampleProvider &ResamplerModel::createResamplerModel(FloatSampleProvider &source, double sourceSampleRate, double targetSampleRate, Quality quality) {
+ if (sourceSampleRate == targetSampleRate) {
+ return source;
+ }
+ if (quality == FASTEST) {
+ return *new InternalResamplerCascadeStage(source, *new LinearResampler(sourceSampleRate, targetSampleRate));
+ }
+ const IIRResampler::Quality iirQuality = static_cast<IIRResampler::Quality>(quality);
+ const double iirPassbandFraction = IIRResampler::getPassbandFractionForQuality(iirQuality);
+ if (sourceSampleRate < targetSampleRate) {
+ ResamplerStage *iir2xInterpolator = new IIR2xInterpolator(iirQuality);
+ FloatSampleProvider &iir2xInterpolatorStage = *new InternalResamplerCascadeStage(source, *iir2xInterpolator);
+ if (2.0 * sourceSampleRate == targetSampleRate) {
+ return iir2xInterpolatorStage;
+ }
+ double passband = 0.5 * sourceSampleRate * iirPassbandFraction;
+ double stopband = 1.5 * sourceSampleRate;
+ ResamplerStage *sincResampler = SincResampler::createSincResampler(2.0 * sourceSampleRate, targetSampleRate, passband, stopband, DEFAULT_DB_SNR, DEFAULT_WINDOWED_SINC_MAX_UPSAMPLE_FACTOR);
+ return *new InternalResamplerCascadeStage(iir2xInterpolatorStage, *sincResampler);
+ }
+ if (sourceSampleRate == 2.0 * targetSampleRate) {
+ ResamplerStage *iir2xDecimator = new IIR2xDecimator(iirQuality);
+ return *new InternalResamplerCascadeStage(source, *iir2xDecimator);
+ }
+ double passband = 0.5 * targetSampleRate * iirPassbandFraction;
+ double stopband = 1.5 * targetSampleRate;
+ double sincOutSampleRate = 2.0 * targetSampleRate;
+ const unsigned int maxUpsampleFactor = static_cast<unsigned int>(ceil(DEFAULT_WINDOWED_SINC_MAX_DOWNSAMPLE_FACTOR * sincOutSampleRate / sourceSampleRate));
+ ResamplerStage *sincResampler = SincResampler::createSincResampler(sourceSampleRate, sincOutSampleRate, passband, stopband, DEFAULT_DB_SNR, maxUpsampleFactor);
+ FloatSampleProvider &sincResamplerStage = *new InternalResamplerCascadeStage(source, *sincResampler);
+ ResamplerStage *iir2xDecimator = new IIR2xDecimator(iirQuality);
+ return *new InternalResamplerCascadeStage(sincResamplerStage, *iir2xDecimator);
+FloatSampleProvider &ResamplerModel::createResamplerModel(FloatSampleProvider &source, ResamplerStage **resamplerStages, unsigned int stageCount) {
+ FloatSampleProvider *prevStage = &source;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < stageCount; i++) {
+ prevStage = new CascadeStage(*prevStage, *(resamplerStages[i]));
+ }
+ return *prevStage;
+FloatSampleProvider &ResamplerModel::createResamplerModel(FloatSampleProvider &source, ResamplerStage &stage) {
+ return *new CascadeStage(source, stage);
+void ResamplerModel::freeResamplerModel(FloatSampleProvider &model, FloatSampleProvider &source) {
+ FloatSampleProvider *currentStage = &model;
+ while (currentStage != &source) {
+ CascadeStage *cascadeStage = dynamic_cast<CascadeStage *>(currentStage);
+ if (cascadeStage == NULL) return;
+ FloatSampleProvider &prevStage = cascadeStage->source;
+ delete currentStage;
+ currentStage = &prevStage;
+ }
+using namespace ResamplerModel;
+CascadeStage::CascadeStage(FloatSampleProvider &useSource, ResamplerStage &useResamplerStage) :
+ resamplerStage(useResamplerStage),
+ source(useSource),
+ bufferPtr(buffer),
+ size()
+void CascadeStage::getOutputSamples(FloatSample *outBuffer, unsigned int length) {
+ while (length > 0) {
+ if (size == 0) {
+ size = resamplerStage.estimateInLength(length);
+ if (size < 1) {
+ size = 1;
+ } else if (MAX_SAMPLES_PER_RUN < size) {
+ }
+ source.getOutputSamples(buffer, size);
+ bufferPtr = buffer;
+ }
+ resamplerStage.process(bufferPtr, size, outBuffer, length);
+ }
diff --git a/audio/softsynth/mt32/srchelper/srctools/src/SincResampler.cpp b/audio/softsynth/mt32/srchelper/srctools/src/SincResampler.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ed028d261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audio/softsynth/mt32/srchelper/srctools/src/SincResampler.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Sergey V. Mikayev
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#include <cmath>
+#include <iostream>
+#include "SincResampler.h"
+#ifndef M_PI
+static const double M_PI = 3.1415926535897932;
+using namespace SRCTools;
+using namespace SincResampler;
+using namespace Utils;
+void Utils::computeResampleFactors(unsigned int &upsampleFactor, double &downsampleFactor, const double inputFrequency, const double outputFrequency, const unsigned int maxUpsampleFactor) {
+ static const double RATIONAL_RATIO_ACCURACY_FACTOR = 1E15;
+ upsampleFactor = static_cast<unsigned int>(outputFrequency);
+ unsigned int downsampleFactorInt = static_cast<unsigned int>(inputFrequency);
+ if ((upsampleFactor == outputFrequency) && (downsampleFactorInt == inputFrequency)) {
+ // Input and output frequencies are integers, try to reduce them
+ const unsigned int gcd = greatestCommonDivisor(upsampleFactor, downsampleFactorInt);
+ if (gcd > 1) {
+ upsampleFactor /= gcd;
+ downsampleFactor = downsampleFactorInt / gcd;
+ } else {
+ downsampleFactor = downsampleFactorInt;
+ }
+ if (upsampleFactor <= maxUpsampleFactor) return;
+ } else {
+ // Try to recover rational resample ratio by brute force
+ double inputToOutputRatio = inputFrequency / outputFrequency;
+ for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= maxUpsampleFactor; ++i) {
+ double testFactor = inputToOutputRatio * i;
+ if (floor(RATIONAL_RATIO_ACCURACY_FACTOR * testFactor + 0.5) == RATIONAL_RATIO_ACCURACY_FACTOR * floor(testFactor + 0.5)) {
+ // inputToOutputRatio found to be rational within the accuracy
+ upsampleFactor = i;
+ downsampleFactor = floor(testFactor + 0.5);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Use interpolation of FIR taps as the last resort
+ upsampleFactor = maxUpsampleFactor;
+ downsampleFactor = maxUpsampleFactor * inputFrequency / outputFrequency;
+unsigned int Utils::greatestCommonDivisor(unsigned int a, unsigned int b) {
+ while (0 < b) {
+ unsigned int r = a % b;
+ a = b;
+ b = r;
+ }
+ return a;
+double KaizerWindow::estimateBeta(double dbRipple) {
+ return 0.1102 * (dbRipple - 8.7);
+unsigned int KaizerWindow::estimateOrder(double dbRipple, double fp, double fs) {
+ const double transBW = (fs - fp);
+ return static_cast<unsigned int>(ceil((dbRipple - 8) / (2.285 * 2 * M_PI * transBW)));
+double KaizerWindow::bessel(const double x) {
+ static const double EPS = 1.11E-16;
+ double sum = 0.0;
+ double f = 1.0;
+ for (unsigned int i = 1;; ++i) {
+ f *= (0.5 * x / i);
+ double f2 = f * f;
+ if (f2 <= sum * EPS) break;
+ sum += f2;
+ }
+ return 1.0 + sum;
+void KaizerWindow::windowedSinc(FIRCoefficient kernel[], const unsigned int order, const double fc, const double beta, const double amp) {
+ const double fc_pi = M_PI * fc;
+ const double recipOrder = 1.0 / order;
+ const double mult = 2.0 * fc * amp / bessel(beta);
+ for (int i = order, j = 0; 0 <= i; i -= 2, ++j) {
+ double xw = i * recipOrder;
+ double win = bessel(beta * sqrt(fabs(1.0 - xw * xw)));
+ double xs = i * fc_pi;
+ double sinc = (i == 0) ? 1.0 : sin(xs) / xs;
+ FIRCoefficient imp = FIRCoefficient(mult * sinc * win);
+ kernel[j] = imp;
+ kernel[order - j] = imp;
+ }
+ResamplerStage *SincResampler::createSincResampler(const double inputFrequency, const double outputFrequency, const double passbandFrequency, const double stopbandFrequency, const double dbSNR, const unsigned int maxUpsampleFactor) {
+ unsigned int upsampleFactor;
+ double downsampleFactor;
+ computeResampleFactors(upsampleFactor, downsampleFactor, inputFrequency, outputFrequency, maxUpsampleFactor);
+ double baseSamplePeriod = 1.0 / (inputFrequency * upsampleFactor);
+ double fp = passbandFrequency * baseSamplePeriod;
+ double fs = stopbandFrequency * baseSamplePeriod;
+ double fc = 0.5 * (fp + fs);
+ double beta = KaizerWindow::estimateBeta(dbSNR);
+ unsigned int order = KaizerWindow::estimateOrder(dbSNR, fp, fs);
+ const unsigned int kernelLength = order + 1;
+ std::clog << "FIR: " << upsampleFactor << "/" << downsampleFactor << ", N=" << kernelLength << ", NPh=" << kernelLength / double(upsampleFactor) << ", C=" << 0.5 / fc << ", fp=" << fp << ", fs=" << fs << ", M=" << maxUpsampleFactor << std::endl;
+ FIRCoefficient *windowedSincKernel = new FIRCoefficient[kernelLength];
+ KaizerWindow::windowedSinc(windowedSincKernel, order, fc, beta, upsampleFactor);
+ ResamplerStage *windowedSincStage = new FIRResampler(upsampleFactor, downsampleFactor, windowedSincKernel, kernelLength);
+ delete[] windowedSincKernel;
+ return windowedSincStage;