path: root/engines/fullpipe
diff options
authorEugene Sandulenko2014-04-23 20:29:36 +0300
committerEugene Sandulenko2014-04-23 20:29:36 +0300
commit8195f144734d27240ca34cae9eea4fbd8ccb3620 (patch)
tree87d7cf7960a81a9ecddecb7a37389c75aa1d55c8 /engines/fullpipe
parenteeec908123f68f0d6a5f01998135fac9966305d7 (diff)
FULLPIPE: Started implementation of MGM::recalcOffsets()
Diffstat (limited to 'engines/fullpipe')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/engines/fullpipe/motion.cpp b/engines/fullpipe/motion.cpp
index 2d0fa50980..0744c36921 100644
--- a/engines/fullpipe/motion.cpp
+++ b/engines/fullpipe/motion.cpp
@@ -2182,6 +2182,113 @@ void MGM::clearMovements2(int idx) {
int MGM::recalcOffsets(int idx, int st1idx, int st2idx, bool flip, bool flop) {
+#if 0
+ MGMItem *item = _items[idx];
+ int subIdx = st1idx + st2idx * item->staticsListCount;
+ if (st1idx == st2idx) {
+ memset(&item->subItems[subIdx], 0, sizeof(item->subItems[subIdx]));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (item->subItems[subIdx])
+ return item->subItems[subIdx]->field_8;
+ for (int i = 0; i < item->movementListCount; i++) {
+ mov = item->movements1[i];
+ if (mov->_staticsObj1 == item->statics[st1idx]) {
+ v16 = (int)(&item->movements2->go.CObject.vmt + i);
+ if (!*(_DWORD *)v16 && (!flop || mov->_field_50)) {
+ *(_DWORD *)v16 = 1;
+ v39 = MGM_getStaticsIndex(this, idx, *(Statics **)(*(&item->movements1->go.CObject.vmt + i) + offsetof(Movement, _staticsObj2)));
+ v43 = recalcOffsets(idx, v39, st2idx, flip, flop);
+ v17 = (Movement *)*(&item->movements1->go.CObject.vmt + i);
+ v45 = v17;
+ v18 = v17->_currMovement;
+ v41 = v18 ? v18->_dynamicPhases.m_nCount : v17->_dynamicPhases.m_nCount;
+ v19 = item->subItems;
+ v20 = v41 + *(&v19[v39].field_C + 6 * st2idx * _items[idx].staticsListCount);
+ v42 = v41 + *(&v19[v39].field_C + 6 * st2idx * _items[idx].staticsListCount);
+ if (v43 >= 0) {
+ if (!v19[subIdx].movement)
+ goto LABEL_22;
+ v21 = v19[subIdx].field_8;
+ if (v21 > v43 + 1) {
+ v20 = v42;
+ LABEL_22:
+ v19[subIdx].movement = v45;
+ item->subItems[subIdx].staticsIndex = v39;
+ item->subItems[subIdx].field_8 = v43 + 1;
+ item->subItems[subIdx].field_C = v20;
+ v22 = Movement_calcSomeXY(*((Movement **)&item->movements1->go.CObject.vmt + i), &flag, 0);
+ v23 = item->subItems;
+ v24 = v22->x + *(&v23[v39].x + 6 * st2idx * _items[idx].staticsListCount);
+ v25 = v22->y + *(&v23[v39].y + 6 * st2idx * _items[idx].staticsListCount);
+ v26 = v24;
+ upd_xy_loop_1_next:
+ v23[subIdx].x = v26;
+ v23[subIdx].y = v25;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (v21 == v43 + 1) {
+ v20 = v42;
+ if (v19[subIdx].field_C > v42)
+ goto LABEL_22;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (flip) {
+ if (mov->_staticsObj2 == item->statics[st1idx]) {
+ v27 = item->movements2;
+ v28 = *(&v27->go.CObject.vmt + i);
+ v29 = (int)(&v27->go.CObject.vmt + i);
+ if (!v28 && (!flop || mov->_field_50)) {
+ *(_DWORD *)v29 = 1;
+ v30 = MGM_getStaticsIndex(this, idx, *(Statics **)(*(&item->movements1->go.CObject.vmt + i) + offsetof(Movement, _staticsObj1)));
+ v40 = v30;
+ v31 = recalcOffsets(idx, v30, st2idx, flip, flop);
+ if (v31 >= 0) {
+ v32 = (int)&item->subItems[subIdx];
+ if (!*(_DWORD *)v32 || *(_DWORD *)(v32 + offsetof(MGMSubItem, field_8)) > v31 + 1) {
+ *(_DWORD *)v32 = *(&item->movements1->go.CObject.vmt + i);
+ item->subItems[subIdx].staticsIndex = v40;
+ item->subItems[subIdx].field_8 = v31 + 1;
+ v33 = (Movement *)*(&item->movements1->go.CObject.vmt + i);
+ v34 = v33->_currMovement;
+ if (v34)
+ v44 = v34->_dynamicPhases.m_nCount;
+ else
+ v44 = v33->_dynamicPhases.m_nCount;
+ item->subItems[subIdx].field_C = v44 + *(&item->subItems[v40].field_C + 6 * st2idx * _items[idx].staticsListCount);
+ v35 = Movement_calcSomeXY(*((Movement **)&item->movements1->go.CObject.vmt + i), (POINT *)&point, 0);
+ v23 = item->subItems;
+ v36 = *(&v23[v40].x + 6 * st2idx * _items[idx].staticsListCount) - v35->x;
+ v25 = *(&v23[v40].y + 6 * st2idx * _items[idx].staticsListCount) - v35->y;
+ v26 = v36;
+ goto upd_xy_loop_1_next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (item->subItems[subIdx]->movement)
+ return item->subItems[subIdx]->field_8;
+ return -1;
warning("STUB: MGM::recalcOffsets()");
return 0;