diff options
6 files changed, 322 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/engines/dm/champion.cpp b/engines/dm/champion.cpp
index 01f863732f..f93a9aa405 100644
--- a/engines/dm/champion.cpp
+++ b/engines/dm/champion.cpp
@@ -1,10 +1,54 @@
#include "champion.h"
#include "dungeonman.h"
+#include "eventman.h"
+#include "menus.h"
+#include "inventory.h"
namespace DM {
-Box gBoxChampionPortrait = Box(0, 31, 0, 28); // @ G0047_s_Graphic562_Box_ChampionPortrait
+uint16 gSlotMasks[38] = { // @ G0038_ai_Graphic562_SlotMasks
+ /* 30 for champion inventory, 8 for chest */
+ 0xFFFF, /* Ready Hand Mouth/Head/Neck/Torso/Legs/Feet/Quiver 1/Quiver 2/Pouch/Hands/Chest */
+ 0xFFFF, /* Action Hand Mouth/Head/Neck/Torso/Legs/Feet/Quiver 1/Quiver 2/Pouch/Hands/Chest */
+ 0x0002, /* Head Head */
+ 0x0008, /* Torso Torso */
+ 0x0010, /* Legs Legs */
+ 0x0020, /* Feet Feet */
+ 0x0100, /* Pouch 2 Pouch */
+ 0x0080, /* Quiver Line2 1 Quiver 2 */
+ 0x0080, /* Quiver Line1 2 Quiver 2 */
+ 0x0080, /* Quiver Line2 2 Quiver 2 */
+ 0x0004, /* Neck Neck */
+ 0x0100, /* Pouch 1 Pouch */
+ 0x0040, /* Quiver Line1 1 Quiver 1 */
+ 0xFFFF, /* Backpack Line1 1 Mouth/Head/Neck/Torso/Legs/Feet/Quiver 1/Quiver 2/Pouch/Hands/Chest */
+ 0xFFFF, /* Backpack Line2 2 Mouth/Head/Neck/Torso/Legs/Feet/Quiver 1/Quiver 2/Pouch/Hands/Chest */
+ 0xFFFF, /* Backpack Line2 3 Mouth/Head/Neck/Torso/Legs/Feet/Quiver 1/Quiver 2/Pouch/Hands/Chest */
+ 0xFFFF, /* Backpack Line2 4 Mouth/Head/Neck/Torso/Legs/Feet/Quiver 1/Quiver 2/Pouch/Hands/Chest */
+ 0xFFFF, /* Backpack Line2 5 Mouth/Head/Neck/Torso/Legs/Feet/Quiver 1/Quiver 2/Pouch/Hands/Chest */
+ 0xFFFF, /* Backpack Line2 6 Mouth/Head/Neck/Torso/Legs/Feet/Quiver 1/Quiver 2/Pouch/Hands/Chest */
+ 0xFFFF, /* Backpack Line2 7 Mouth/Head/Neck/Torso/Legs/Feet/Quiver 1/Quiver 2/Pouch/Hands/Chest */
+ 0xFFFF, /* Backpack Line2 8 Mouth/Head/Neck/Torso/Legs/Feet/Quiver 1/Quiver 2/Pouch/Hands/Chest */
+ 0xFFFF, /* Backpack Line2 9 Mouth/Head/Neck/Torso/Legs/Feet/Quiver 1/Quiver 2/Pouch/Hands/Chest */
+ 0xFFFF, /* Backpack Line1 2 Mouth/Head/Neck/Torso/Legs/Feet/Quiver 1/Quiver 2/Pouch/Hands/Chest */
+ 0xFFFF, /* Backpack Line1 3 Mouth/Head/Neck/Torso/Legs/Feet/Quiver 1/Quiver 2/Pouch/Hands/Chest */
+ 0xFFFF, /* Backpack Line1 4 Mouth/Head/Neck/Torso/Legs/Feet/Quiver 1/Quiver 2/Pouch/Hands/Chest */
+ 0xFFFF, /* Backpack Line1 5 Mouth/Head/Neck/Torso/Legs/Feet/Quiver 1/Quiver 2/Pouch/Hands/Chest */
+ 0xFFFF, /* Backpack Line1 6 Mouth/Head/Neck/Torso/Legs/Feet/Quiver 1/Quiver 2/Pouch/Hands/Chest */
+ 0xFFFF, /* Backpack Line1 7 Mouth/Head/Neck/Torso/Legs/Feet/Quiver 1/Quiver 2/Pouch/Hands/Chest */
+ 0xFFFF, /* Backpack Line1 8 Mouth/Head/Neck/Torso/Legs/Feet/Quiver 1/Quiver 2/Pouch/Hands/Chest */
+ 0xFFFF, /* Backpack Line1 9 Mouth/Head/Neck/Torso/Legs/Feet/Quiver 1/Quiver 2/Pouch/Hands/Chest */
+ 0x0400, /* Chest 1 Chest */
+ 0x0400, /* Chest 2 Chest */
+ 0x0400, /* Chest 3 Chest */
+ 0x0400, /* Chest 4 Chest */
+ 0x0400, /* Chest 5 Chest */
+ 0x0400, /* Chest 6 Chest */
+ 0x0400, /* Chest 7 Chest */
+ 0x0400}; /* Chest 8 Chest */
+Box gBoxChampionPortrait = {0, 31, 0, 28}; // @ G0047_s_Graphic562_Box_ChampionPortrait
ChampionMan::ChampionMan(DMEngine *vm) : _vm(vm) {
_leaderIndex = kChampionNone;
@@ -37,7 +81,7 @@ ChampionIndex ChampionMan::getIndexInCell(ViewCell cell) {
void ChampionMan::resetDataToStartGame() {
if (!_vm->_dungeonMan->_messages._newGame) {
- warning("MISSING CODE: stuff for resetting for loaded games");
+ warning("MISSING CODE: stuff for reeseting for loaded games");
@@ -46,4 +90,177 @@ void ChampionMan::resetDataToStartGame() {
_leaderEmptyHanded = true;
+void ChampionMan::addCandidateChampionToParty(uint16 championPortraitIndex) {
+ DisplayMan &dispMan = *_vm->_displayMan;
+ DungeonMan &dunMan = *_vm->_dungeonMan;
+ if (!_leaderEmptyHanded || _partyChampionCount == 4)
+ return;
+ uint16 prevChampCount = _partyChampionCount;
+ Champion *champ = &_champions[prevChampCount];
+ warning("MISSING CODE: Fill champ memory with zero bytes");
+ dispMan._useByteBoxCoordinates = true;
+ { // block on purpose
+ Box &destBox = gBoxChampionPortrait;
+ dispMan.blitToBitmap(dispMan.getBitmap(kChampionPortraitsIndice), 256, getChampionPortraitX(championPortraitIndex), getChampionPortraitY(championPortraitIndex),
+ champ->_portrait, 32, destBox._x1, destBox._x2, destBox._y1, destBox._y2, kColorNoTransparency);
+ }
+ champ->_actionIndex = kChampionActionNone;
+ champ->_enableActionEventIndex = -1;
+ champ->_hideDamageReceivedIndex = -1;
+ champ->_dir = dunMan._currMap._partyDir;
+ ViewCell AL_0_viewCell = kViewCellFronLeft;
+ while (getIndexInCell((ViewCell)((AL_0_viewCell + dunMan._currMap._partyDir) & 3)) != kChampionNone)
+ AL_0_viewCell = (ViewCell)(AL_0_viewCell + 1);
+ champ->_cell = (ViewCell)((AL_0_viewCell + dunMan._currMap._partyDir) & 3);
+ champ->clearAttributes(kChampionAttributeIcon);
+ champ->_directionMaximumDamageReceived = dunMan._currMap._partyDir;
+ champ->_food = 1500 + _vm->_rnd->getRandomNumber(256);
+ champ->_water = 1500 + _vm->_rnd->getRandomNumber(256);
+ int16 AL_0_slotIndex_Red;
+ for (AL_0_slotIndex_Red = kChampionSlotReadyHand; AL_0_slotIndex_Red < kChampionSlotChest_1; ++AL_0_slotIndex_Red) {
+ champ->setSlot((ChampionSlot)AL_0_slotIndex_Red, Thing::_thingNone);
+ }
+ Thing thing = dunMan.getSquareFirstThing(dunMan._currMap._partyPosX, dunMan._currMap._partyPosY);
+ while (thing.getType() != kTextstringType) {
+ thing = dunMan.getNextThing(thing);
+ }
+ char decodedChampionText[77];
+ char* character_Green = decodedChampionText;
+ dunMan.decodeText(character_Green, thing, (TextType)(kTextTypeScroll | kDecodeEvenIfInvisible));
+ int16 AL_0_characterIndex = 0;
+ uint16 AL_2_character;
+ while ((AL_2_character = *character_Green++) != '\n') {
+ champ->_name[AL_0_characterIndex++] = AL_2_character;
+ }
+ champ->_name[AL_0_characterIndex] = '\0';
+ AL_0_characterIndex = 0;
+ bool AL_4_champTitleCopied = false;
+ for (;;) { // infinite
+ AL_2_character = *character_Green++;
+ if (AL_2_character == '\n') {
+ if (AL_4_champTitleCopied)
+ break;
+ AL_4_champTitleCopied = true;
+ } else {
+ champ->_title[AL_0_characterIndex++] = AL_2_character;
+ }
+ }
+ champ->_title[AL_0_characterIndex] = '\0';
+ if (*character_Green++ == 'M') {
+ champ->setAttributeFlag(kChampionAttributeMale, true);
+ }
+ character_Green++;
+ champ->_currHealth = champ->_maxHealth = getDecodedValue(character_Green, 4);
+ character_Green += 4;
+ champ->_currStamina = champ->_maxStamina = getDecodedValue(character_Green, 4);
+ character_Green += 4;
+ character_Green++;
+ int16 AL_0_statisticIndex;
+ for (AL_0_statisticIndex = kChampionStatLuck; AL_0_statisticIndex <= kChampionStatAntifire; ++AL_0_statisticIndex) {
+ champ->setStatistic((ChampionStatisticType)AL_0_statisticIndex, kChampionStatMinimum, 30);
+ uint16 currMaxVal = getDecodedValue(character_Green, 2);
+ champ->setStatistic((ChampionStatisticType)AL_0_statisticIndex, kChampionStatCurrent, currMaxVal);
+ champ->setStatistic((ChampionStatisticType)AL_0_statisticIndex, kChampionStatMaximum, currMaxVal);
+ character_Green += 2;
+ }
+ champ->setStatistic(kChampionStatLuck, kChampionStatMinimum, 10);
+ character_Green++;
+ int16 AL_0_skillIndex;
+ int16 AL_2_skillValue;
+ for (AL_0_skillIndex = kChampionSkillSwing; AL_0_skillIndex <= kChampionSkillWater; AL_0_skillIndex++) {
+ if ((AL_2_skillValue = *character_Green++ - 'A') > 0) {
+ champ->setSkillExp((ChampionSkill)AL_0_skillIndex, 125L << AL_2_skillValue);
+ }
+ }
+ for (AL_0_skillIndex = kChampionSkillFighter; AL_0_skillIndex <= kChampionSkillWizard; ++AL_0_skillIndex) {
+ int32 baseSkillExp = 0;
+ int16 hiddenSkillIndex = (AL_0_skillIndex + 1) << 2;
+ for (uint16 AL_4_hiddenSkillCounter = 0; AL_4_hiddenSkillCounter < 4; ++AL_4_hiddenSkillCounter) {
+ baseSkillExp += champ->getSkill((ChampionSkill)(hiddenSkillIndex + AL_4_hiddenSkillCounter))._experience;
+ }
+ champ->setSkillExp((ChampionSkill)AL_0_skillIndex, baseSkillExp);
+ }
+ _candidateChampionOrdinal = prevChampCount + 1;
+ if (++_partyChampionCount == 1) {
+ _vm->_eventMan->commandSetLeader(kChampionFirst);
+ _vm->_menuMan->_shouldRefreshActionArea = true;
+ } else {
+ _vm->_menuMan->clearActingChampion();
+ _vm->_menuMan->drawActionIcon((ChampionIndex)(_partyChampionCount - 1));
+ }
+ int16 mapX = _vm->_dungeonMan->_currMap._partyPosX;
+ int16 mapY = _vm->_dungeonMan->_currMap._partyPosY;
+ uint16 championObjectsCell = returnOppositeDir((direction)(dunMan._currMap._partyDir));
+ mapX += dirIntoStepCountEast[dunMan._currMap._partyDir];
+ mapY += dirIntoStepCountNorth[dunMan._currMap._partyDir];
+ thing = dunMan.getSquareFirstThing(mapX, mapY);
+ AL_0_slotIndex_Red = kChampionSlotBackpackLine_1_1;
+ uint16 slotIndex_Green;
+ while (thing != Thing::_thingNone) {
+ ThingType AL_2_thingType = thing.getType();
+ if ((AL_2_thingType > kSensorThingType) && (thing.getCell() == championObjectsCell)) {
+ int16 objectAllowedSlots = gObjectInfo[dunMan.getObjectInfoIndex(thing)].getAllowedSlots();
+ switch (AL_2_thingType) {
+ case kArmourThingType:
+ for (slotIndex_Green = kChampionSlotHead; slotIndex_Green <= kChampionSlotFeet; slotIndex_Green++) {
+ if (objectAllowedSlots & gSlotMasks[slotIndex_Green])
+ goto T0280048;
+ }
+ if ((objectAllowedSlots & gSlotMasks[kChampionSlotNeck]) && (champ->getSlot(kChampionSlotNeck) == Thing::_thingNone)) {
+ slotIndex_Green = kChampionSlotNeck;
+ } else {
+ goto T0280046;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kWeaponThingType:
+ if (champ->getSlot(kChampionSlotActionHand) == Thing::_thingNone) {
+ slotIndex_Green = kChampionSlotActionHand;
+ } else {
+ goto T0280046;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kScrollThingType:
+ case kPotionThingType:
+ if (champ->getSlot(kChampionSlotPouch_1) == Thing::_thingNone) {
+ slotIndex_Green = kChampionSlotPouch_1;
+ } else if (champ->getSlot(kChampionSlotPouch_2) == Thing::_thingNone) {
+ slotIndex_Green = kChampionSlotPouch_2;
+ } else {
+ goto T0280046;
+ }
+ break;
+ case kContainerThingType:
+ case kJunkThingType:
+ if ((objectAllowedSlots & gSlotMasks[kChampionSlotNeck]) && (champ->getSlot(kChampionSlotNeck) == Thing::_thingNone)) {
+ slotIndex_Green = kChampionSlotNeck;
+ } else {
+ slotIndex_Green = AL_0_slotIndex_Red++;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (champ->getSlot((ChampionSlot)slotIndex_Green) != Thing::_thingNone) {
+ goto T0280046;
+ }
+ warning("MISSING CODE: F0301_CHAMPION_AddObjectInSlot");
+ }
+ thing = dunMan.getNextThing(thing);
+ }
+ _vm->_inventoryMan->toggleInventory((ChampionIndex)prevChampCount);
+ _vm->_menuMan->drawDisabledMenu();
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/engines/dm/champion.h b/engines/dm/champion.h
index 0c8a46fae0..96a5ef563a 100644
--- a/engines/dm/champion.h
+++ b/engines/dm/champion.h
@@ -251,8 +251,9 @@ enum ChampionAction {
class Skill {
- int _temporaryExperience;
- long _experience;
+ int16 _temporaryExperience;
+ int32 _experience;
}; // @ SKILL
class Champion {
@@ -291,7 +292,8 @@ public:
void setSlot(ChampionSlot slot, Thing val) { _slots[slot] = val; }
Skill getSkill(ChampionSkill skill) { return _skills[skill]; }
- void setSkill(ChampionSkill skill, Skill val) { _skills[skill] = val; }
+ void setSkillExp(ChampionSkill skill, int32 val) { _skills[skill]._experience = val; }
+ void setSkillTempExp(ChampionSkill skill, int16 val) { _skills[skill]._temporaryExperience= val; }
byte getStatistic(ChampionStatisticType type, ChampionStatisticValue valType) { return _statistics[type][valType]; }
void setStatistic(ChampionStatisticType type, ChampionStatisticValue valType, byte newVal) { _statistics[type][valType] = newVal; }
@@ -305,7 +307,7 @@ public:
_attributes &= ~flag;
- void clearAttributes() { _attributes = kChampionAttributNone; }
+ void clearAttributes(ChampionAttribute attribute = kChampionAttributNone) { _attributes = attribute; }
uint16 getWounds() { return _wounds; }
void setWoundsFlag(ChampionWound flag, bool value) {
@@ -340,8 +342,10 @@ public:
ChampionMan(DMEngine *vm);
void resetDataToStartGame(); // @ F0278_CHAMPION_ResetDataToStartGame
+ void addCandidateChampionToParty(uint16 championPortraitIndex); // @ F0280_CHAMPION_AddCandidateChampionToParty
diff --git a/engines/dm/dm.cpp b/engines/dm/dm.cpp
index 63ddf12be2..860fba2af6 100644
--- a/engines/dm/dm.cpp
+++ b/engines/dm/dm.cpp
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ int8 dirIntoStepCountNorth[4] = {-1 /* North */, 0 /* East */, 1 /* West */, 0 /
void turnDirRight(direction &dir) { dir = (direction)((dir + 1) & 3); }
void turnDirLeft(direction &dir) { dir = (direction)((dir - 1) & 3); }
+direction returnOppositeDir(direction dir) { return (direction)((dir + 2) & 3); }
bool isOrientedWestEast(direction dir) { return dir & 1; }
diff --git a/engines/dm/dm.h b/engines/dm/dm.h
index 66be764bbc..61cb92c2c0 100644
--- a/engines/dm/dm.h
+++ b/engines/dm/dm.h
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ extern int8 dirIntoStepCountNorth[4];
void turnDirRight(direction &dir);
void turnDirLeft(direction &dir);
+direction returnOppositeDir(direction dir);
bool isOrientedWestEast(direction dir);
diff --git a/engines/dm/dungeonman.h b/engines/dm/dungeonman.h
index 41a39739f8..ad64b85084 100644
--- a/engines/dm/dungeonman.h
+++ b/engines/dm/dungeonman.h
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ public:
ObjectInfo(int16 type, uint16 objectAspectIndex, uint16 actionSetIndex, uint16 allowedSlots)
: _type(type), _objectAspectIndex(objectAspectIndex), _actionSetIndex(actionSetIndex), _allowedSlots(allowedSlots) {}
bool getAllowedSlot(ObjectAllowedSlot slot) { return _allowedSlots & slot; }
+ uint16 getAllowedSlots() { return _allowedSlots; }
void setAllowedSlot(ObjectAllowedSlot slot, bool val) {
if (val) {
_allowedSlots |= slot;
@@ -566,7 +567,6 @@ class DungeonMan {
void decompressDungeonFile(); // @ F0455_FLOPPY_DecompressDungeon
int16 getSquareFirstThingIndex(int16 mapX, int16 mapY); // @ F0160_DUNGEON_GetSquareFirstThingIndex
- Thing getSquareFirstThing(int16 mapX, int16 mapY); // @ F0161_DUNGEON_GetSquareFirstThing
int16 getRandomOrnOrdinal(bool allowed, int16 count, int16 mapX, int16 mapY, int16 modulo); // @ F0170_DUNGEON_GetRandomOrnamentOrdinal
void setSquareAspectOrnOrdinals(uint16 *aspectArray, bool leftAllowed, bool frontAllowed, bool rightAllowed, direction dir,
@@ -579,6 +579,7 @@ public:
DungeonMan(DMEngine *dmEngine);
+ Thing getSquareFirstThing(int16 mapX, int16 mapY); // @ F0161_DUNGEON_GetSquareFirstThing
Thing getNextThing(Thing thing); // @ F0159_DUNGEON_GetNextThing(THING P0280_T_Thing)
uint16 *getThingData(Thing thing); // @ unsigned char* F0156_DUNGEON_GetThingData(register THING P0276_T_Thing)
diff --git a/engines/dm/menus.cpp b/engines/dm/menus.cpp
index 1d8b00cbc7..d39aa22a1a 100644
--- a/engines/dm/menus.cpp
+++ b/engines/dm/menus.cpp
@@ -1,71 +1,91 @@
-#include "menus.h"
-#include "gfx.h"
-#include "champion.h"
-#include "dungeonman.h"
-#include "objectman.h"
-#include "inventory.h"
-namespace DM {
-byte gPalChangesActionAreaObjectIcon[16] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0}; // @ G0498_auc_Graphic560_PaletteChanges_ActionAreaObjectIcon
-MenuMan::MenuMan(DMEngine *vm) : _vm(vm) {}
-void MenuMan::drawMovementArrows() {
- DisplayMan &disp = *_vm->_displayMan;
- byte *arrowsBitmap = disp.getBitmap(kMovementArrowsIndice);
- Box &dest = gBoxMovementArrows;
- uint16 w = disp.getWidth(kMovementArrowsIndice);
- disp.blitToScreen(arrowsBitmap, w, 0, 0, dest._x1, dest._x2, dest._y1, dest._y2, kColorNoTransparency);
-void MenuMan::clearActingChampion() {
- ChampionMan &cm = *_vm->_championMan;
- if (cm._actingChampionOrdinal) {
- cm._actingChampionOrdinal--;
- cm._champions[cm._actingChampionOrdinal].setAttributeFlag(kChampionAttributeActionHand, true);
- warning("MISSING CODE: F0292_CHAMPION_DrawState");
- cm._actingChampionOrdinal = indexToOrdinal(kChampionNone);
- _shouldRefreshActionArea = true;
- }
-void MenuMan::drawActionIcon(ChampionIndex championIndex) {
- if (!_actionAreaContainsIcons)
- return;
- DisplayMan &dm = *_vm->_displayMan;
- Champion &champion = _vm->_championMan->_champions[championIndex];
- Box box;
- box._x1 = championIndex * 22 + 233;
- box._x2 = box._x1 + 19 + 1;
- box._y1 = 86;
- box._y2 = 120 + 1;
- dm._useByteBoxCoordinates = false;
- if (!champion._currHealth) {
- dm.clearScreenBox(kColorBlack, box);
- return;
- }
- byte *bitmapIcon = dm._tmpBitmap;
- Thing thing = champion.getSlot(kChampionSlotActionHand);
- IconIndice iconIndex;
- if (thing == Thing::_thingNone) {
- iconIndex = kIconIndiceActionEmptyHand;
- } else if (gObjectInfo[_vm->_dungeonMan->getObjectInfoIndex(thing)]._actionSetIndex) {
- iconIndex = _vm->_objectMan->getIconIndex(thing);
- } else {
- dm.clearBitmap(bitmapIcon, 16, 16, kColorCyan);
- goto T0386006;
- }
- _vm->_objectMan->extractIconFromBitmap(iconIndex, bitmapIcon);
- dm.blitToBitmapShrinkWithPalChange(bitmapIcon, 16, 16, bitmapIcon, 16, 16, gPalChangesActionAreaObjectIcon);
- dm.clearScreenBox(kColorCyan, box);
- Box box2;
- box2._x1 = box._x1 + 2;
- box2._x2 = box._x2 - 2; // no need to add +1 for exclusive boundaries, box already has that
- box2._y1 = 95;
- box2._y2 = 110 + 1;
- dm.blitToScreen(bitmapIcon, 16, 0, 0, box2._x1, box2._x2, box2._y1, box2._y2);
- if (champion.getAttributes(kChampionAttributeDisableAction) || _vm->_championMan->_candidateChampionOrdinal || _vm->_championMan->_partyIsSleeping) { warning("MISSING CODE: F0136_VIDEO_ShadeScreenBox"); } } void MenuMan::drawDisabledMenu() { if (!_vm->_championMan->_partyIsSleeping) { warning("MISSING CODE: F0363_COMMAND_HighlightBoxDisable"); _vm->_displayMan->_useByteBoxCoordinates = false; if (_vm->_inventoryMan->_inventoryChampionOrdinal) { warning("MISSING CODE: F0334_INVENTORY_CloseChest"); } else { warning("MISSING CODE: F0136_VIDEO_ShadeScreenBox"); } warning("MISSING CODE: F0136_VIDEO_ShadeScreenBox"); warning("MISSING CODE: F0136_VIDEO_ShadeScreenBox"); warning("MISSING CODE: F0067_MOUSE_SetPointerToNormal"); } } } \ No newline at end of file
+#include "menus.h"
+#include "gfx.h"
+#include "champion.h"
+#include "dungeonman.h"
+#include "objectman.h"
+#include "inventory.h"
+namespace DM {
+byte gPalChangesActionAreaObjectIcon[16] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0}; // @ G0498_auc_Graphic560_PaletteChanges_ActionAreaObjectIcon
+MenuMan::MenuMan(DMEngine *vm) : _vm(vm) {}
+void MenuMan::drawMovementArrows() {
+ DisplayMan &disp = *_vm->_displayMan;
+ byte *arrowsBitmap = disp.getBitmap(kMovementArrowsIndice);
+ Box &dest = gBoxMovementArrows;
+ uint16 w = disp.getWidth(kMovementArrowsIndice);
+ disp.blitToScreen(arrowsBitmap, w, 0, 0, dest._x1, dest._x2, dest._y1, dest._y2, kColorNoTransparency);
+void MenuMan::clearActingChampion() {
+ ChampionMan &cm = *_vm->_championMan;
+ if (cm._actingChampionOrdinal) {
+ cm._actingChampionOrdinal--;
+ cm._champions[cm._actingChampionOrdinal].setAttributeFlag(kChampionAttributeActionHand, true);
+ warning("MISSING CODE: F0292_CHAMPION_DrawState");
+ cm._actingChampionOrdinal = indexToOrdinal(kChampionNone);
+ _shouldRefreshActionArea = true;
+ }
+void MenuMan::drawActionIcon(ChampionIndex championIndex) {
+ if (!_actionAreaContainsIcons)
+ return;
+ DisplayMan &dm = *_vm->_displayMan;
+ Champion &champion = _vm->_championMan->_champions[championIndex];
+ Box box;
+ box._x1 = championIndex * 22 + 233;
+ box._x2 = box._x1 + 19 + 1;
+ box._y1 = 86;
+ box._y2 = 120 + 1;
+ dm._useByteBoxCoordinates = false;
+ if (!champion._currHealth) {
+ dm.clearScreenBox(kColorBlack, box);
+ return;
+ }
+ byte *bitmapIcon = dm._tmpBitmap;
+ Thing thing = champion.getSlot(kChampionSlotActionHand);
+ IconIndice iconIndex;
+ if (thing == Thing::_thingNone) {
+ iconIndex = kIconIndiceActionEmptyHand;
+ } else if (gObjectInfo[_vm->_dungeonMan->getObjectInfoIndex(thing)]._actionSetIndex) {
+ iconIndex = _vm->_objectMan->getIconIndex(thing);
+ } else {
+ dm.clearBitmap(bitmapIcon, 16, 16, kColorCyan);
+ goto T0386006;
+ }
+ _vm->_objectMan->extractIconFromBitmap(iconIndex, bitmapIcon);
+ dm.blitToBitmapShrinkWithPalChange(bitmapIcon, 16, 16, bitmapIcon, 16, 16, gPalChangesActionAreaObjectIcon);
+ dm.clearScreenBox(kColorCyan, box);
+ Box box2;
+ box2._x1 = box._x1 + 2;
+ box2._x2 = box._x2 - 2; // no need to add +1 for exclusive boundaries, box already has that
+ box2._y1 = 95;
+ box2._y2 = 110 + 1;
+ dm.blitToScreen(bitmapIcon, 16, 0, 0, box2._x1, box2._x2, box2._y1, box2._y2);
+ if (champion.getAttributes(kChampionAttributeDisableAction) || _vm->_championMan->_candidateChampionOrdinal || _vm->_championMan->_partyIsSleeping) {
+ warning("MISSING CODE: F0136_VIDEO_ShadeScreenBox");
+ }
+void MenuMan::drawDisabledMenu() {
+ if (!_vm->_championMan->_partyIsSleeping) {
+ warning("MISSING CODE: F0363_COMMAND_HighlightBoxDisable");
+ _vm->_displayMan->_useByteBoxCoordinates = false;
+ if (_vm->_inventoryMan->_inventoryChampionOrdinal) {
+ warning("MISSING CODE: F0334_INVENTORY_CloseChest");
+ } else {
+ warning("MISSING CODE: F0136_VIDEO_ShadeScreenBox");
+ }
+ warning("MISSING CODE: F0136_VIDEO_ShadeScreenBox");
+ warning("MISSING CODE: F0136_VIDEO_ShadeScreenBox");
+ warning("MISSING CODE: F0067_MOUSE_SetPointerToNormal");
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file