path: root/engines/avalanche/spread.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'engines/avalanche/spread.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 389 deletions
diff --git a/engines/avalanche/spread.cpp b/engines/avalanche/spread.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 17a494cf41..0000000000
--- a/engines/avalanche/spread.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
-/* ScummVM - Graphic Adventure Engine
- *
- * ScummVM is the legal property of its developers, whose names
- * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT
- * file distributed with this source distribution.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- *
- */
- * This code is based on the original source code of Lord Avalot d'Argent version 1.3.
- * Copyright (c) 1994-1995 Mike, Mark and Thomas Thurman.
- */
-#include "graph.h"
-/*#include "Crt.h"*/
-namespace Avalanche {
-struct adxtype {
- varying_string<12> name; /* name of character */
- byte num; /* number of pictures */
- byte xl, yl; /* x & y lengths of pictures */
- byte seq; /* how many in one stride */
- word size; /* the size of one picture */
- byte fgc, bgc; /* foreground & background bubble colours */
-varying_string<3> sn;
-adxtype a;
-matrix<1, 24, 0, 1, pointer> pic; /* the pictures themselves */
-word bigsize;
-const array<0, 15, varying_string<6> > col = {
- {
- "Black", "Blue", "Green", "Cyan", "Red", "Pink", "Brown", "Grey+",
- "Grey-", "Blue+", "Green+", "Cyan+", "Red+", "Pink+", "Yellow", "White"
- }
-const string prompt = string('\32') + '\257';
-void load() {
- untyped_file f;
- byte gd, gm, sort, n;
- pointer p, q;
- assign(f, string("v:sprite") + sn + ".avd");
- reset(f, 1);
- seek(f, 59);
- blockread(f, a, sizeof(a));
- blockread(f, bigsize, 2);
- setactivepage(3);
- for (sort = 0; sort <= 1; sort ++) {
- mark(q);
- getmem(p, bigsize);
- blockread(f, p, bigsize);
- putimage(0, 0, p, 0);
- release(q);
- n = 1;
- for (gm = 0; gm <= (a.num / a.seq) - 1; gm ++) /* directions */
- for (gd = 0; gd <= a.seq - 1; gd ++) { /* steps */
- getmem(pic[n][sort], a.size); /* grab the memory */
- getimage((gm / 2) * (a.xl * 6) + gd * a.xl, (gm % 2)*a.yl,
- (gm / 2) * (a.xl * 6) + gd * a.xl + a.xl - 1, (gm % 2)*a.yl + a.yl - 1,
- pic[n][sort]); /* grab the pic */
- n += 1;
- }
- }
- close(f);
- setactivepage(0);
-void save() {
- untyped_file f;
- byte gd, gm, sort, n;
- pointer p, q;
- string x;
- integer txl, tyl;
- {
- txl = a.seq * a.xl * 2;
- tyl = a.yl * 2;
- }
- assign(f, string("v:sprite") + sn + ".avd");
- x = string("Sprite file for Avvy - Trippancy IV. Subject to copyright.") + '\32';
- rewrite(f, 1);
- blockwrite(f, x[1], 59);
- blockwrite(f, a, sizeof(a));
- blockwrite(f, bigsize, 2);
- setactivepage(3);
- for (sort = 0; sort <= 1; sort ++) {
- mark(q);
- getmem(p, bigsize);
- n = 1;
- for (gm = 0; gm <= (a.num / a.seq) - 1; gm ++) /* directions */
- for (gd = 0; gd <= a.seq - 1; gd ++) { /* steps */
- putimage((gm / 2) * (a.xl * 6) + gd * a.xl, (gm % 2)*a.yl,
- pic[n][sort], 0); /* drop the pic */
- n += 1;
- }
- getimage(0, 0, txl, tyl, p);
- blockwrite(f, p, bigsize);
- release(q);
- }
- close(f);
- setactivepage(0);
-void setup() {
- integer gd, gm;
- output << "SPREAD (c) 1992, Thomas Thurman." << NL;
- output << NL;
- output << "Enter number of SPRITE*.AVD file to edit:";
- input >> sn >> NL;
- gd = 3;
- gm = 0;
- initgraph(gd, gm, "c:\\bp\\bgi");
- load();
-string strf(longint x) {
- string q;
- string strf_result;
- str(x, q);
- strf_result = q;
- return strf_result;
-void likethis() {
- {
- setfillstyle(1, a.bgc);
- setcolor(a.fgc);
- settextstyle(0, 0, 1);
- bar(0, 190, 100, 200);
- outtextxy(12, 191, "Like this!");
- }
-void values() {
- byte fv;
- settextstyle(2, 0, 9);
- setcolor(14);
- outtextxy(277, 0, string("Spread: editing ") + sn);
- setcolor(15);
- for (fv = 0; fv <= 3; fv ++) putimage(77 + (a.xl + 10)*fv, 17, pic[a.seq * fv + 1][1], 0);
- settextstyle(2, 0, 7);
- outtextxy(0, 30, "Views:");
- {
- outtextxy(0, 50, string("N: Name: ") + a.name);
- outtextxy(0, 70, string("No. of pictures: ") + strf(a.num) + " (" + strf(a.num / a.seq) + " ways)");
- outtextxy(0, 90, string("XY: Size: ") + strf(a.xl) + 'x' + strf(a.yl));
- outtextxy(0, 110, string("S: Stride size: ") + strf(a.seq));
- outtextxy(0, 130, string("Imagesize (bytes): ") + strf(a.size));
- outtextxy(0, 150, string("B: Bubble background: ") + col[a.bgc]);
- outtextxy(0, 170, string("F: Bubble foreground: ") + col[a.fgc]);
- likethis();
- }
- setcolor(lightgreen);
- settextstyle(0, 0, 1);
- outtextxy(400, 50, "A) Animate");
- outtextxy(400, 60, "E) Edit pictures");
- outtextxy(400, 70, "alt-f2) Save");
- outtextxy(400, 80, "ctrl-f3) Load");
- outtextxy(400, 90, "or any key to the left...");
-byte ccol() {
- byte fv;
- byte ccol_result;
- restorecrtmode();
- output << "Choose a colour- one of these..." << NL;
- for (fv = 0; fv <= 15; fv ++) {
- textattr = 14;
- output << fv << ") ";
- textattr = fv;
- output << string('\376') + '\40';
- textattr = 14;
- output << col[fv] << NL;
- }
- textattr = 14;
- do {
- output << prompt;
- input >> fv >> NL;
- } while (!(fv < 16));
- ccol_result = fv;
- setgraphmode(0);
- return ccol_result;
-string cstr(string oc) {
- string x;
- string cstr_result;
- restorecrtmode();
- output << string("Old choice is: <") + oc + '>' << NL;
- output << NL;
- output << "(Anything after a semi-colon will not be displayed by the game, e.g. Avvy;Monk" << NL;
- output << " will be displayed as Avvy.)" << NL;
- output << NL;
- output << string("New choice, Enter for no change, Space+Enter for a blank?") + prompt;
- input >> x >> NL;
- if (x == "") cstr_result = oc;
- else if (x == ' ') cstr_result = "";
- else cstr_result = x;
- setgraphmode(0);
- return cstr_result;
-longint cnum(longint on) {
- string x;
- longint q;
- integer e;
- longint cnum_result;
- restorecrtmode();
- do {
- output << "Old value is: " << on << '.' << NL;
- output << string("New choice, or Enter for no change?") + prompt;
- input >> x >> NL;
- if (x == "") {
- e = 0; /* must be OK here */ q = on;
- } else val(x, q, e);
- if (e != 0) output << x << " isn't a number, silly!" << NL;
- } while (!(e == 0));
- setgraphmode(0);
- cnum_result = q;
- return cnum_result;
-void animate() {
- byte facing, step, slow, fv;
- cleardevice();
- settextstyle(0, 0, 2);
- setcolor(12);
- outtextxy(0, 0, "Animate");
- settextstyle(0, 0, 1);
- setcolor(15);
- outtextxy(0, 20, "Enter = Turn, + = Faster, - = Slower, Esc = stop this.");
- facing = 0;
- step = 1;
- slow = 100;
- do {
- for (fv = 0; fv <= 1; fv ++)
- putimage(200 * fv + 177, 77, pic[facing * a.seq + step][fv], 4 - fv * 4);
- if (keypressed())
- switch (upcase(readkey())) {
- case '\15': {
- facing += 1;
- if (facing * a.seq >= a.num) facing = 0;
- }
- break;
- case '\33': {
- cleardevice();
- return;
- }
- break;
- case '+':
- if (slow > 0) slow -= 5;
- break;
- case '-':
- if (slow < 255) slow += 5;
- break;
- default:
- output << '\7';
- }
- step += 1;
- if (step > a.seq) step = 1;
- delay(slow);
- } while (!false);
-byte tabpel(integer x, integer y) {
- byte tabpel_result;
- if (getpixel(400 + x, 17 + y) == 15) tabpel_result = 17;
- else tabpel_result = getpixel(500 + x, 17 + y);
- return tabpel_result;
-void bigpixel(integer x, integer y, byte size, byte col) {
- if (col == 17) setfillstyle(9, 8);
- else setfillstyle(1, col);
- bar(x * size, y * size, x * size + size - 2, y * size + size - 2);
-void blowup(byte n) {
- byte fv, x, y, xyl;
- {
- for (fv = 0; fv <= 1; fv ++) putimage(400 + fv * 100, 17, pic[n][fv], 0);
- xyl = 200 / a.yl;
- for (x = 0; x <= a.xl; x ++)
- for (y = 0; y <= a.yl; y ++)
- bigpixel(x, y, xyl, tabpel(x, y));
- }
-void edit();
-static void putnum(byte x, byte p) {
- varying_string<2> z;
- str(x, z);
- outtextxy(x * 53 + 17, 87, z);
- putimage(x * 53, 100, pic[p][1], 0);
-static void title() {
- cleardevice();
- setcolor(11);
- settextstyle(0, 0, 2);
- outtextxy(0, 0, "Edit- which one?");
- settextstyle(0, 0, 1);
- setcolor(15);
-void edit() {
- byte fv, ra, rb;
- {
- title();
- for (fv = 1; fv <= (a.num / a.seq); fv ++) putnum(fv, fv * a.seq);
- do {
- ra = ord(readkey()) - 48;
- } while (!(ra < (a.num / a.seq)));
- ra -= 1;
- title();
- for (fv = 1; fv <= a.seq; fv ++) putnum(fv, ra * a.seq + fv);
- do {
- rb = ord(readkey()) - 48;
- } while (!(rb < a.seq));
- cleardevice();
- blowup(ra * a.seq + rb);
- input >> NL;
- cleardevice();
- }
-void pickone() {
- char r;
- r = upcase(readkey());
- switch (r) {
- case 'N':
- a.name = cstr(a.name);
- break;
- case 'S':
- a.seq = cnum(a.seq);
- break;
- case 'F':
- a.fgc = ccol();
- break;
- case 'B':
- a.bgc = ccol();
- break;
- case 'A':
- animate();
- break;
- case 'E':
- edit();
- break;
- case '\0':
- switch (readkey()) {
- case 'i':
- save();
- break; /* alt-f2 */
- }
- break;
- }
-int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
- pio_initialize(argc, argv);
- setup();
- do {
- values();
- pickone();
- } while (!false);
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-} // End of namespace Avalanche. \ No newline at end of file