path: root/engines/saga
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Diffstat (limited to 'engines/saga')
3 files changed, 5 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/engines/saga/rscfile.cpp b/engines/saga/rscfile.cpp
index 126cb58344..0aa7e2eafe 100644
--- a/engines/saga/rscfile.cpp
+++ b/engines/saga/rscfile.cpp
@@ -330,6 +330,7 @@ bool Resource::loadContext(ResourceContext *context) {
if (resourceData->patchData->_patchFile->open(patchDescription->fileName)) {
resourceData->offset = 0;
resourceData->size = resourceData->patchData->_patchFile->size();
+ resourceData->patchData->_patchFile->close();
} else {
delete resourceData->patchData;
resourceData->patchData = NULL;
@@ -544,6 +545,8 @@ void Resource::loadResource(ResourceContext *context, uint32 resourceId, byte*&r
if (file->read(resourceBuffer, resourceSize) != resourceSize) {
error("Resource::loadResource() failed to read");
+ if (resourceData->patchData != NULL)
+ file->close();
static int metaResourceTable[] = { 0, 326, 517, 677, 805, 968, 1165, 0, 1271 };
diff --git a/engines/saga/rscfile.h b/engines/saga/rscfile.h
index f8b6ddc3be..2df3b2eb7c 100644
--- a/engines/saga/rscfile.h
+++ b/engines/saga/rscfile.h
@@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ struct ResourceContext {
Common::File *getFile(ResourceData *resourceData) const {
if (resourceData->patchData != NULL) {
+ if (!resourceData->patchData->_patchFile->isOpen())
+ resourceData->patchData->_patchFile->open(resourceData->patchData->_patchDescription->fileName);
return resourceData->patchData->_patchFile;
} else {
return file;
diff --git a/engines/saga/saga.cpp b/engines/saga/saga.cpp
index 35cb8b2647..76731c201a 100644
--- a/engines/saga/saga.cpp
+++ b/engines/saga/saga.cpp
@@ -233,30 +233,6 @@ int SagaEngine::init() {
_voicesEnabled = true;
- // WORKAROUND for a weird bug that I haven't been able to understand.
- // In some ITE demos, scenes are substituted with pictures, which are
- // loaded instead of the actual scene in Scene::changeScene(). The
- // weird phenomenon is that NO files can be opened or found in that
- // function. However, file existence works in other parts of the engine.
- // The strange thing is that if we add a dummy file existence check here
- // (or in any part of init() or go()) for a file that exists (it doesn't
- // work if the file doesn't exist), files are opened correctly in the
- // function. I don't know if this is a bug of the Common::File class or
- // of the SAGA engine itself (or perhaps of a clashing definition?), but
- // still, it's very strange that a file existence check fixes things. In
- // both cases (with and without this dummy check here), the Common::File
- // open function called from Scene::changeScene() finds the file through
- // the _filesMap, but without this dummy check here, the handle returned
- // is 0
- // To reproduce: run any of the ITE demos that has scene substitutes like,
- // for example, the ITE demo from Wyrmkeep's site. Enter the game, and
- // exit the faire (to speed things up, open the debug console and type
- // "scene_change 1", close the console and visit any place other than
- // the faire)
- // Since the files we need are BBM files, just check for the existence
- // of one file of them here
- if (Common::File::exists("tycho.bbm")) {}
// FIXME: This is the ugly way of reducing redraw overhead. It works
// well for 320x200 but it's unclear how well it will work for
// 640x480.