path: root/source/gfx.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'source/gfx.h')
1 files changed, 318 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source/gfx.h b/source/gfx.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b145f49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/gfx.h
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+ Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator.
+ (c) Copyright 1996 - 2002 Gary Henderson (gary.henderson@ntlworld.com) and
+ Jerremy Koot (jkoot@snes9x.com)
+ (c) Copyright 2001 - 2004 John Weidman (jweidman@slip.net)
+ (c) Copyright 2002 - 2004 Brad Jorsch (anomie@users.sourceforge.net),
+ funkyass (funkyass@spam.shaw.ca),
+ Joel Yliluoma (http://iki.fi/bisqwit/)
+ Kris Bleakley (codeviolation@hotmail.com),
+ Matthew Kendora,
+ Nach (n-a-c-h@users.sourceforge.net),
+ Peter Bortas (peter@bortas.org) and
+ zones (kasumitokoduck@yahoo.com)
+ C4 x86 assembler and some C emulation code
+ (c) Copyright 2000 - 2003 zsKnight (zsknight@zsnes.com),
+ _Demo_ (_demo_@zsnes.com), and Nach
+ C4 C++ code
+ (c) Copyright 2003 Brad Jorsch
+ DSP-1 emulator code
+ (c) Copyright 1998 - 2004 Ivar (ivar@snes9x.com), _Demo_, Gary Henderson,
+ John Weidman, neviksti (neviksti@hotmail.com),
+ Kris Bleakley, Andreas Naive
+ DSP-2 emulator code
+ (c) Copyright 2003 Kris Bleakley, John Weidman, neviksti, Matthew Kendora, and
+ Lord Nightmare (lord_nightmare@users.sourceforge.net
+ OBC1 emulator code
+ (c) Copyright 2001 - 2004 zsKnight, pagefault (pagefault@zsnes.com) and
+ Kris Bleakley
+ Ported from x86 assembler to C by sanmaiwashi
+ SPC7110 and RTC C++ emulator code
+ (c) Copyright 2002 Matthew Kendora with research by
+ zsKnight, John Weidman, and Dark Force
+ S-DD1 C emulator code
+ (c) Copyright 2003 Brad Jorsch with research by
+ Andreas Naive and John Weidman
+ S-RTC C emulator code
+ (c) Copyright 2001 John Weidman
+ ST010 C++ emulator code
+ (c) Copyright 2003 Feather, Kris Bleakley, John Weidman and Matthew Kendora
+ Super FX x86 assembler emulator code
+ (c) Copyright 1998 - 2003 zsKnight, _Demo_, and pagefault
+ Super FX C emulator code
+ (c) Copyright 1997 - 1999 Ivar, Gary Henderson and John Weidman
+ SH assembler code partly based on x86 assembler code
+ (c) Copyright 2002 - 2004 Marcus Comstedt (marcus@mc.pp.se)
+ Specific ports contains the works of other authors. See headers in
+ individual files.
+ Snes9x homepage: http://www.snes9x.com
+ Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute Snes9x in both binary and
+ source form, for non-commercial purposes, is hereby granted without fee,
+ providing that this license information and copyright notice appear with
+ all copies and any derived work.
+ This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+ warranty. In no event shall the authors be held liable for any damages
+ arising from the use of this software.
+ Snes9x is freeware for PERSONAL USE only. Commercial users should
+ seek permission of the copyright holders first. Commercial use includes
+ charging money for Snes9x or software derived from Snes9x.
+ The copyright holders request that bug fixes and improvements to the code
+ should be forwarded to them so everyone can benefit from the modifications
+ in future versions.
+ Super NES and Super Nintendo Entertainment System are trademarks of
+ Nintendo Co., Limited and its subsidiary companies.
+#ifndef _GFX_H_
+#define _GFX_H_
+#include "port.h"
+#include "snes9x.h"
+struct SGFX{
+ // Initialize these variables
+ uint8 *Screen;
+ uint8 *SubScreen;
+ uint8 *ZBuffer;
+ uint8 *SubZBuffer;
+ uint32 Pitch;
+ // Setup in call to S9xGraphicsInit()
+ int Delta;
+ uint16 *X2;
+ uint16 *ZERO_OR_X2;
+ uint16 *ZERO;
+ uint32 RealPitch; // True pitch of Screen buffer.
+ uint32 Pitch2; // Same as RealPitch except while using speed up hack for Glide.
+ uint32 ZPitch; // Pitch of ZBuffer
+ uint32 PPL; // Number of pixels on each of Screen buffer
+ uint32 PPLx2;
+ uint32 PixSize;
+ uint8 *S;
+ uint8 *DB;
+ uint16 *ScreenColors;
+ uint32 DepthDelta;
+ uint8 Z1; // Depth for comparison
+ uint8 Z2; // Depth to save
+ uint8 ZSprite; // Used to ensure only 1st sprite is drawn per pixel
+ uint32 FixedColour;
+ const char *InfoString;
+ uint32 InfoStringTimeout;
+ uint32 StartY;
+ uint32 EndY;
+ struct ClipData *pCurrentClip;
+ uint32 Mode7Mask;
+ uint32 Mode7PriorityMask;
+ uint8 OBJWidths[128];
+ uint8 OBJVisibleTiles[128];
+ struct {
+ uint8 RTOFlags;
+ int16 Tiles;
+ struct {
+ int8 Sprite;
+ uint8 Line;
+ } OBJ[32];
+ uint8 r212c;
+ uint8 r212d;
+ uint8 r2130;
+ uint8 r2131;
+ bool8 Pseudo;
+ uint32 PixelFormat;
+ uint32 (*BuildPixel) (uint32 R, uint32 G, uint32 B);
+ uint32 (*BuildPixel2) (uint32 R, uint32 G, uint32 B);
+ void (*DecomposePixel) (uint32 Pixel, uint32 &R, uint32 &G, uint32 &B);
+struct SLineData {
+ struct {
+ uint16 VOffset;
+ uint16 HOffset;
+ } BG [4];
+#define H_FLIP 0x4000
+#define V_FLIP 0x8000
+#define BLANK_TILE 2
+struct SBG
+ uint32 TileSize;
+ uint32 BitShift;
+ uint32 TileShift;
+ uint32 TileAddress;
+ uint32 NameSelect;
+ uint32 SCBase;
+ uint32 StartPalette;
+ uint32 PaletteShift;
+ uint32 PaletteMask;
+ uint8 *Buffer;
+ uint8 *Buffered;
+ bool8 DirectColourMode;
+struct SLineMatrixData
+ short MatrixA;
+ short MatrixB;
+ short MatrixC;
+ short MatrixD;
+ short CentreX;
+ short CentreY;
+extern uint32 odd_high [4][16];
+extern uint32 odd_low [4][16];
+extern uint32 even_high [4][16];
+extern uint32 even_low [4][16];
+extern SBG BG;
+extern uint16 DirectColourMaps [8][256];
+extern uint8 add32_32 [32][32];
+extern uint8 add32_32_half [32][32];
+extern uint8 sub32_32 [32][32];
+extern uint8 sub32_32_half [32][32];
+extern uint8 mul_brightness [16][32];
+// Could use BSWAP instruction on Intel port...
+#define SWAP_DWORD(dw) dw = ((dw & 0xff) << 24) | ((dw & 0xff00) << 8) | \
+ ((dw & 0xff0000) >> 8) | ((dw & 0xff000000) >> 24)
+#define READ_2BYTES(s) (*(uint16 *) (s))
+#define WRITE_2BYTES(s, d) *(uint16 *) (s) = (d)
+#ifdef LSB_FIRST
+#define READ_2BYTES(s) (*(uint8 *) (s) | (*((uint8 *) (s) + 1) << 8))
+#define WRITE_2BYTES(s, d) *(uint8 *) (s) = (d), \
+ *((uint8 *) (s) + 1) = (d) >> 8
+#else // else MSB_FISRT
+#define READ_2BYTES(s) (*(uint8 *) (s) | (*((uint8 *) (s) + 1) << 8))
+#define WRITE_2BYTES(s, d) *(uint8 *) (s) = (d), \
+ *((uint8 *) (s) + 1) = (d) >> 8
+#endif // LSB_FIRST
+#endif // i386
+#define COLOR_ADD(C1, C2) \
+ ((C2) & RGB_REMOVE_LOW_BITS_MASK)) >> 1) + \
+ ((C1) & (C2) & RGB_LOW_BITS_MASK)]
+#define COLOR_ADD(C1, C2) \
+ ((C2) & RGB_REMOVE_LOW_BITS_MASK)) >> 1) + \
+ ((C1) & (C2) & RGB_LOW_BITS_MASK)] | \
+ (((C1) ^ (C2)) & RGB_LOW_BITS_MASK))
+#define COLOR_ADD1_2(C1, C2) \
+ ((C2) & RGB_REMOVE_LOW_BITS_MASK)) >> 1) + \
+#define COLOR_SUB(C1, C2) \
+GFX.ZERO_OR_X2 [(((C1) | RGB_HI_BITS_MASKx2) - \
+ ((C2) & RGB_REMOVE_LOW_BITS_MASK)) >> 1]
+#elif !defined(NEW_COLOUR_BLENDING)
+#define COLOR_SUB(C1, C2) \
+(GFX.ZERO_OR_X2 [(((C1) | RGB_HI_BITS_MASKx2) - \
+ ((C2) & RGB_REMOVE_LOW_BITS_MASK)) >> 1] + \
+inline uint16 COLOR_SUB(uint16, uint16);
+inline uint16 COLOR_SUB(uint16 C1, uint16 C2)
+ uint16 mC1, mC2, v = 0;
+ if (mC1 > mC2) v += (mC1 - mC2);
+ if (mC1 > mC2) v += (mC1 - mC2);
+ if (mC1 > mC2) v += (mC1 - mC2);
+ return v;
+#define COLOR_SUB1_2(C1, C2) \
+GFX.ZERO [(((C1) | RGB_HI_BITS_MASKx2) - \
+ ((C2) & RGB_REMOVE_LOW_BITS_MASK)) >> 1]
+typedef void (*NormalTileRenderer) (uint32 Tile, uint32 Offset,
+ uint32 StartLine, uint32 LineCount);
+typedef void (*ClippedTileRenderer) (uint32 Tile, uint32 Offset,
+ uint32 StartPixel, uint32 Width,
+ uint32 StartLine, uint32 LineCount);
+typedef void (*LargePixelRenderer) (uint32 Tile, uint32 Offset,
+ uint32 StartPixel, uint32 Pixels,
+ uint32 StartLine, uint32 LineCount);
+void S9xStartScreenRefresh ();
+void S9xDrawScanLine (uint8 Line);
+void S9xEndScreenRefresh ();
+void S9xSetupOBJ ();
+void S9xUpdateScreen ();
+void RenderLine (uint8 line);
+void S9xBuildDirectColourMaps ();
+// External port interface which must be implemented or initialised for each
+// port.
+extern struct SGFX GFX;
+bool8 S9xGraphicsInit ();
+void S9xGraphicsDeinit();
+bool8 S9xInitUpdate (void);
+bool8 S9xDeinitUpdate (int Width, int Height, bool8 sixteen_bit);
+void S9xSyncSpeed ();
+bool8 S9xSetRenderPixelFormat (int format);