path: root/scumm
diff options
authorTravis Howell2005-03-15 04:05:15 +0000
committerTravis Howell2005-03-15 04:05:15 +0000
commit6974025542bc226e3700bdd9465b07c7efba6f5d (patch)
tree02a30796f726f8050826d697bf2b983d1be65fd4 /scumm
parent4e39d96e9db12501ba1e0ce365ec6c4d2be0e5e5 (diff)
Patch from Quietust:
Animated costumes for NES maniac. svn-id: r17145
Diffstat (limited to 'scumm')
2 files changed, 34 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/scumm/costume.cpp b/scumm/costume.cpp
index 930cb0f323..f52bc4ef32 100644
--- a/scumm/costume.cpp
+++ b/scumm/costume.cpp
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ void LoadedCostume::loadNEScostume(void) {
frameset = 0;
framenum = 0;
- src = _baseptr + 4;
+ src = _dataOffsets;
// Cost(a)
offset = src[(frameset * 4 + framenum) * 2];
@@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ void LoadedCostume::loadCostume(int id) {
void CostumeRenderer::drawNESCostume(const Actor *a, int limb) {
const byte *src;
- int offset, numSprites, spritesOffset, numAnims;
+ int offset, numSprites;
byte *table, *ptr, *spritesDefs, *spritesOffsetTab, *numSpritesTab, *spritesPal;
const CostumeData &cost = a->_cost;
int anim = cost.frame[limb];
@@ -682,33 +682,27 @@ void CostumeRenderer::drawNESCostume(const Actor *a, int limb) {
src = _loaded._dataOffsets;
// Cost(a)
- offset = src[anim * 2];
- numAnims = src[anim * 2 + 1];
+ int frame = src[src[8*anim + 2 * newDirToOldDir(a->getFacing())] + frameNum];
+ bool flipped = (newDirToOldDir(a->getFacing()) == 1);
// Lookup & desc
- table = _vm->getResourceAddress(rtCostume, v1MMNEScostTables[_vm->_v1MMNESCostumeSet][0]);
- offset = READ_LE_UINT16(table + v1MMNESLookup[_loaded._id] * 2 + 2);
+ table = _vm->getResourceAddress(rtCostume, v1MMNEScostTables[_vm->_v1MMNESCostumeSet][0]) + 2;
+ offset = READ_LE_UINT16(table + v1MMNESLookup[_loaded._id] * 2);
// lens
- numSpritesTab = _vm->getResourceAddress(rtCostume, v1MMNEScostTables[_vm->_v1MMNESCostumeSet][1]);
+ numSpritesTab = _vm->getResourceAddress(rtCostume, v1MMNEScostTables[_vm->_v1MMNESCostumeSet][1]) + 2 + offset;
// offs
- spritesOffsetTab = _vm->getResourceAddress(rtCostume, v1MMNEScostTables[_vm->_v1MMNESCostumeSet][2]);
+ spritesOffsetTab = _vm->getResourceAddress(rtCostume, v1MMNEScostTables[_vm->_v1MMNESCostumeSet][2]) + 2 + offset*2;
// data
- spritesDefs = _vm->getResourceAddress(rtCostume, v1MMNEScostTables[_vm->_v1MMNESCostumeSet][3]);
+ spritesDefs = _vm->getResourceAddress(rtCostume, v1MMNEScostTables[_vm->_v1MMNESCostumeSet][3]) + 2;
// data
spritesPal = _vm->getResourceAddress(rtCostume, v1MMNEScostTables[_vm->_v1MMNESCostumeSet][5]) + 2;
- offset = READ_LE_UINT16(table + v1MMNESLookup[_loaded._id] * 2 + 2) + frameNum;
- numSprites = numSpritesTab[offset + 2] + 1;
- spritesOffset = READ_LE_UINT16(spritesOffsetTab + offset * 2 + 2);
- ptr = spritesDefs + spritesOffset + 2;
+ ptr = spritesDefs + READ_LE_UINT16(spritesOffsetTab + frame*2);
+ numSprites = numSpritesTab[frame] + 1;
int left = 239, right = 0, top = 239, bottom = 0;
for (int spr = 0; spr < numSprites; spr++) {
byte mask = (ptr[0] & 0x80) ? 0x01 : 0x80;
int8 y = ptr[0] << 1; y >>= 1;
@@ -716,6 +710,11 @@ void CostumeRenderer::drawNESCostume(const Actor *a, int limb) {
byte palette = (ptr[2] & 0x03) << 2;
int8 x = ptr[2]; x >>= 2;
ptr += 3;
+ if (flipped)
+ {
+ mask = (mask == 0x80) ? 0x01 : 0x80;
+ x = -x;
+ }
for (int ty = 0; ty < 8; ty++) {
byte c1 = _vm->_v1MMNESCostumeGfx[_vm->_v1MMNESCostumeSet][tile * 16 + ty];
@@ -743,7 +742,7 @@ void CostumeRenderer::drawNESCostume(const Actor *a, int limb) {
if (bottom < _actorY + y + 8)
bottom = _actorY + y + 8;
- _vm->markRectAsDirty(kMainVirtScreen, left, right, top, bottom);
+ _vm->markRectAsDirty(kMainVirtScreen,left,right,top,bottom);
byte CostumeRenderer::drawLimb(const Actor *a, int limb) {
@@ -805,30 +804,16 @@ byte CostumeRenderer::drawLimb(const Actor *a, int limb) {
+extern void DecodeNESTileData(const byte *src, byte *dest);
void ScummEngine::cost_decodeNESCostumeGfx() {
for (int n = 0; n < 2; n++) {
byte *patTable = getResourceAddress(rtCostume, v1MMNEScostTables[n][4]);
- int j = 0;
- int i = 3;
int maxSprites = patTable[2];
- int len = READ_LE_UINT16(patTable);
if (maxSprites == 0)
- maxSprites = 257;
+ maxSprites = 256;
_v1MMNESCostumeGfx[n] = (byte *)calloc(maxSprites * 16, 1);
- while (i < len) {
- if (patTable[i] & 0x80) {
- for (int cnt = (patTable[i++] & 0x7F); cnt > 0; cnt--)
- _v1MMNESCostumeGfx[n][j++] = patTable[i++];
- } else {
- for (int cnt = patTable[i++]; cnt > 0; cnt--)
- _v1MMNESCostumeGfx[n][j++] = patTable[i];
- i++;
- }
- }
+ DecodeNESTileData(patTable,_v1MMNESCostumeGfx[n]);
// We will not need it anymore
nukeResource(rtCostume, v1MMNEScostTables[n][4]);
@@ -857,6 +842,7 @@ void ScummEngine::cost_decodeData(Actor *a, int frame, uint usemask) {
if (_features & GF_NES) {
a->_cost.curpos[0] = 0;
a->_cost.start[0] = 0;
+ a->_cost.end[0] = getResourceAddress(rtCostume,a->_costume)[2+0*2+1];
a->_cost.frame[0] = frame;
@@ -973,7 +959,7 @@ byte LoadedCostume::increaseAnim(Actor *a, int slot) {
if (_vm->_features & GF_NES) {
- if (a->_cost.curpos[slot] == _numAnim)
+ if (a->_cost.curpos[slot] >= a->_cost.end[slot])
a->_cost.curpos[slot] = a->_cost.start[slot];
return 0;
diff --git a/scumm/gfx.cpp b/scumm/gfx.cpp
index c03a4448b1..03fe60aa6e 100644
--- a/scumm/gfx.cpp
+++ b/scumm/gfx.cpp
@@ -1875,13 +1875,18 @@ void Gdi::decodeNESGfx(const byte *room) {
void Gdi::drawStripNES(byte *dst, int dstPitch, int stripnr, int height) {
// printf("drawStripNES, pitch=%i, strip=%i, height=%i\n",dstPitch,stripnr,height);
- if (height != 128)
- {
-// debug(0,"NES room data %i (not 128) pixels high!\n",height);
- height = 128;
- }
height /= 8;
int x = stripnr + 2; // NES version has a 2 tile gap on each edge
+ if (height > 16) {
+// debug(0,"NES room data %i (not 128) pixels high!\n",height);
+ height = 16;
+ }
+ if (x > 63)
+ {
+ debug(0,"NES tried to render invalid strip %i",stripnr);
+ return;
+ }
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
int palette = (_NESAttributes[((y << 2) & 0x30) | ((x >> 2) & 0xF)] >> (((y & 2) << 1) | (x & 2))) & 0x3;
int tile = _NESNametable[y][x];