hydracastlelabyrinthA port to Trimui of Hydra Castle Labyrinth (a metroidvania kind of game).neonloop
trimui-toolchainDockerfile for creating a trimui build environmentneonloop
uqmPort of The Ur-Quan Masters with trimui s supportneonloop
snes9x2005Snes9x 2005. Port of SNES9x 1.43 for libretro (was previously called CAT SFC). F...neonloop
bennugdbennugd with trimui s supportneonloop
chocolate-doomchocolate-doom-2.2.1 with trimui s supportneonloop
picoarchlibretro + libpicofe + SDL designed for small screens and low powerneonloop
pcsx_rearmedlibretro core fork of pcsx_rearmed with trimui s supportneonloop
snes9x2002libretro core fork of snes9x2002, using the frontend from
snesemulibretro core fork of snes9x2005. Branched from
picogpsplibretro-gpsp with a libpicofe frontendneonloop
scummvm-rg350scummvm with trimui support. Forked from